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Chapter Nineteen

"Overcome, And Past."


An teenager walked trough the busy streets, the twin suns hitting him with all it had, he had  covered his head  with his robes as he kept walking, he found himself with all sorts of vendors, jawas, random sellers trying to convince him to pay absurd prices for something as absurd as an helmet, and more.

Until the boy reached an hangar and stepped into his ship, his astromech beeped in response.

'Where have you been?'

It asked, the boy just responded with an "it was just a small trip" and started off the engines, and before they knew it, they had already left the planet.

At the space already, the boy typed something and an hologram appeared, "Lady onid" He simply said with an smirk as the woman sighed, "Did you find the boy, tarrek?" She asked as the boy shaked his head.

"Only sand people, but for what i could make up that jedi had already been on tatooine, he must have left already.." He said as he types in some coordinates.

"Look, i don't care where he went, but i need him, and alive i should remark." She said the last words with what seemed venom, the boy nodded, "And then right to the citadel, am i right?" he said as he input the coordinates, "That's correct, to the citadel once you find him. Oh and tarrek. It seems the boy has some help from his jedi friends, make a plan to separate him or something." Said the woman and the hologram disappeared.

The droid bepped as they entered hyperspace, "No, she doesn't have me by the leash you moronic astromech.." Said the boy irritated.


The medical bay of the jedi temple was awfully quiet, some medical droids walked by, yet there was only one patient despite the fact they were in war, and that patient was y/n l/n, who seemed to still be alive, and with an new arm, yet he remained stoic, looking at the ceiling as it was the only thing to see.

He hadn't got an visit since a day, his master and anakin were out for a mission, and ahsoka promised to return but hadn't returned. He felt lonely again, he only had him and his thoughts.

Could have he won against dooku? was he condemned to lose anyways? was this an test of life?

He looked around, and saw an small datapad barriss gifted him so he could read a bit when he was bored, he scrolled around seeing some of the planets he would like to visit someday.

He came around tatooine, an sandy planet with nothing more than sand, savagery, and dunes to offer. Despite that, this planet called his attention a lot, as many popular and strong jedi came from this planet, even his friend anakin skywalker. "The chosen one" had come from this planet... of course not in the greatest conditions as slavery was common thanks to the hutts, yet it fascinated y/n.

After an bit of scrolling he had found one planet that called his attention. Dantooine, yes such an regular planet like dantooine would pass away like every other... but for y/n he had this strange urge of visiting these planets, just for the sake of doing it, as if something pulled him to do it.

"Hey droid." He asked politely to one of the medical droids as he put the datapad away, it turned towards y/n and asked, "Yes, what is it?" It asked.

"When will i be able to leave?" He asked casually, he had been here for a week already, but it felt like it would never end, he just wanted to get out from there and return to his normal schedule, "Today you will be evaluated again, and if correct, you may be free to leave." said the medical droid before returning to its duties.

-Your Blue Eyes- (Ahsoka X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now