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First a/n of this story....


Oml i'm so freaking happy to see that number! 

I'm sorry if you though this was a new chapter (despite last one came out like just a few hours) but i just wanted to say...

Thank you all for reading this fic! i didn't expect seeing this story making it to 1k reads, only in my dreams, but hey! here we are now.

Thank you so much y'all who voted and took the time to read this story, tomorrow or.. after tomorrow? i'll start writing next chapter cause well you know, torture the oc c:



Since i have nothing else to write here's some random things i think.


"No! Don't separate you'll die" said ahsoka to the tv as her and y/n we're watching an horror movie.

"Hey who are you betting dies first? I bet that blonde guy... the one that looks like rex but with long hair" said y/n as he grabbed some popcorn as ahsoka looked at him, "What?"

Ahsoka grabbed y/n's hand at seeing that the monster had killed the blonde guy, "Oh look, he died first like i said!" said y/n as he chewed on some popcorn, "Come on y/n.."


y/n posted three images

So anyway im thinking we look really ridiculous holding our communicators to our mouth like that, like we're holding an straw or something and..


oh well, if i don't see it it's not my problem. Like can't we have use like wrist comms instead?


Ahsoka's holo-communicator beeped, "Hello, who's calling?" She asked.

"Uh ahsoka can i ask you an favor?" spoke y/n trough the other side as the togruta nodded.

"What happened? Why do i hear sirens?" Asked the togruta concerned as y/n responded, "I uh, i might have got a little bit drunk and uh... "RUN THE POLICE IS HERE!"  Yelled an random man.

"So yeah, can you come pick me up?" 


Ty yall, have an happy halloween and once again, thanks for the 1k reads 

Love, -Khaoz894 


-Your Blue Eyes- (Ahsoka X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now