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" Clair grasped and said: "You saw the new guy in our right, that brat was in the same middle school as me". Sips coffee. I said: "Oh so he is your old mate, believe me, that's a good thing" smiled at her and took a sip. She glared and said; "No, it's not, he was a bully, he bullied almost everyone with his girlfriend and her friends". She said it with an irritated expression as if talking about it makes her mad. So I said: "oh, well anyways screw him. Have you completed geography's homework? I don't get topography! Like what's the point of studying it anyway, you know I'm at this point of life where becoming a housewife isn't a bad choice?? ". she chuckled saying "Oh yes, I have and focus on studying you won't get married unless you graduate college, you are only fifteen" searches something inside bag, takes out her geography notes. "here, take this and copy before the bell rings or he will make you clean the class as a penalty". With a sweet smile on her face. As I was copying homework Brad the brat walked to our table, and begun to talk "hello ladies, I'm Brad, oh well you both know me, how are you Clair, damn you have grown tall". His annoying accent was killing my ears as he kept talking.

I looked up at Clair, and she looked disgusted too. She stood up and said, "Diana I was supposed to meet the homeroom teacher by eleven 'am, bring my notes to class I will meet you th-". And got interrupted by Brad as he held her hand as if he wanted to stop her. "I-I am sorry Clair please give me a seco-" Clair slapped his hand and said "You disgust me" and left.

As for Brad he gulped and left as well. And here I am Diana wondering what the hell on this planet is happening right after my eyes.. oh why was I made this brainless?!. And hit my head on the table in deep thought when I realized that Clair was supposed to meet the teacher tomorrow, OHH MY GOODNESS! I packed my bag and went where I thought Clair would be. Well, I'm such an idiot and I wonder if there is anyone more idiotic than me. I walked up to the roof, out of breath. And I saw Clair, I got déjà vu. The cold wind blowing her brunette hair, her eyes the same as honey, and- she noticed me and waved at me, I ran towards her. And said: "Huff-huff what's the matter why did you lie to me" using my hand as sun shelter up on my forehead. Her pale cheeks got pink as she smiled and said, "I lied because I felt like lying to myself all these years so I lied to someone today, and also because I knew that you would know that I'm here. Now let's just attend our lecture before you get lost in geography, I'll tell you everything in detail when we will walk home". I felt weird but relieved at the same time.

Why was Clair home-schooled? Why does she have trust issues? Why was Brad apologizing to Clair out of the blue? Why was Clair home-schooled? Why does she have trust issues? Why was Brad apologizing to Clair out of the blue? Why was Clair home-schooled? Why does she have trust issues? Why was Brad apologizing to Clair out of the blue?

I was in deep thought and I heard that someone is calling my name and Clair was saying something, shit I zoned out, it was my teacher who was calling me to answer his question, I asked him if he could repeat his question and he stated: "WHAT A ETTIQUETTE LESS CLASS IT IS, FIRST YOU DON'T PAY ATTENTION AND THEN YOU ASK WHAT WAS THE QUESTION YOU GUYS ARE NOT CAPABLE OF STUDYING IN A PRESTIGIOUS SCHOOL FIND ANOTHER SCHOOL OR TEACHER FOR YOU". He became quiet I thought he was done so I replied "no sir actually I couldn't hear yo-". "AGAINN!!! YOU DARED TO TALK WHEN YOUR TEACHER WAS SPEAKING TO YOU, FIRST YOU DIDN'T REPLY TO ME AND NOW YOU WILL ANSWER THE PRINCIPAL FOR YOUR NON-SERIOUS BEHAVIOUR IN MY TWENTY-NINE YEARS NONE OF THE BATCHES WERE LIKE THIS. NONSERIOUSNESS AT ITS PEAK, YOU GUYS LOOK AT IT ONE IS CHANGING SCHOOLS IN MID YEAR ONE IS NOT GIVING A PENNY WHAT THE TEACHER IS SAYI-". I never liked my mathematics teacher but her this act.. made me rethink that how bad I was for disliking such a pure soul just because she teaches mathematics. The geography teacher turned on his sweet mood: "Oh my Miss. Lancer, how are you? Oh is my class over " (insert followers into his mouth to sound sweet), and they chatted for the next five minutes and the next class started I was relieved. Because I was a class representative, I had to overwork for the festival. I told Clair to leave because it was about to rain and late but she insisted on helping the two of us. The other representative was such a gentleman a good and quick help from him made us pack up earlier than I thought. When we left school for home, It started to rain, I love rain.

As we were walking to the bus station under our umbrellas, Clair said: "Brad was in the same school but in a different class" I remained quiet, as she continued "I liked him, but never knew that he had a girlfriend, the weather is comforting as if the sky is crying". Oh yeah, I love it when it rains. She smiled and said: "One day, when I was going to the cafeteria, he appeared and confessed that he likes me, of course, I believed him because I knew that I was pretty enough. Well, I felt the happiest that day, I reached home and told my mom and dad about it. They were happy too. I tried baking a cupcake for him, but I failed so I had to ask for help from mom".She laughed so I smiled and asked: "So you dated Brad the brat?" and chuckled. She gulped and said "No". I replied "huh?? What happened the next day?" she said "It was a prank" That made my heart skip a beat, and said: "What kind of prank it was disgusting what did you do after??" she replied taking a deep breath in with a pleasant smile on her cheeks "nothing, I just left school. We are here". I couldn't believe what she told me it was horrible. "Go now you will miss your bus". Said Clair With a constant smile on her face. I dropped my umbrella and rushed to hug her. Her teary hazel eyes widened as I hug her she said "I hope he feels what I felt when he shattered my soul". I said "Ease up Clair I'm always here for you and I know that you will find yourself a gentleman, not just a green flag but a green field". She smiled while wiping her tears and said "go home, idiot. your bus-" I smirked and said "Yes boss!" took the bus and saw her walking towards her home. I was relieved that she took a stand for her today, that wasn't a prank. that was humiliation. That creature deserves hell.


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