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The dining hall became silent almost as if no one was there, so to break the awkward silence I complimented Clair's mother. "I'm finally eating with you ma'am, Clair's lunchbox was everything but tasteless. I always wondered how anyone cooks something this delicious! Does Clair know how to cook??". Her mother replied: "Oh my Diana! You are flattering me with your words, I'm glad that you like it; well the truth is that no one other than Clare and her dad has complimented my cooking, well only because I have never cooked for anyone. And about Clair, well it's just she never had any interest other than writing, painting or playing music and yes she once begged for a cupcake recipe that she failed to make so I had to make it for her but.. Anyway it's all in the past. I'm glad that she has a friend now despite having trust issues". And chuckled. I was both confused and happy about what happened with her that she ended up getting trust issues. "Wha-". "I'm backk" Clair had returned. I wanted to ask her mother what happened with Clair but she came back as soon as I opened my mouth, what a bad timing. Anyway, I let it go for once because I was sure that I would find it out. After finishing dinner Clair gave me her room tour and what I saw was incredible her paintings, gold medals, and shields. And the parrots were so cute!!! Like they could talk, she introduced me to a new game that we played for two hours straight, it was getting dark; so I took my leave. She walked with me to the station. I reached home and changed into my pajamas, laid on my right side, and slept as soon as I interacted with my comfortable bed.

The next morning, the school was somewhat weird today like the girls were so hyped up, I entered my classroom and saw that the seating arrangement had changed and I took a random chit I was about to open to look at it so I saw the girl beside Clair wanted to sit with someone else and luckily I had that seat so I exchanged seats with her, Clair seemed annoyed. I walked towards my seat, When I sat next to her I asked her "What's up" She dragged my chair with one hand I was astonished when she moved her towards my ear and whispered, "Just support me till lunch okay? I will tell you". I nodded my head and accepted the fact that I was dumb. Our homeroom teacher walked into class and said "Class we have a transferred student here, Brad please come and introduce yourself". As he was walking to the front every single girl was screaming because he was handsome. While my best friend Clair had pure hate in her eyes. As he was introducing he kept looking at Clair. When he was done the teacher asked him if he knew anyone here who might help him get used to this school, he straight up said "Oh yeah! I know Clair here, right Clair?" and smirked. The teacher said oh wow one of our brilliant students, she will you out brad now take your seat. Clair stood and said "No, I'm not interested in helping brat-oh my, I'm sorry Brad, teacher please find someone else for him" and sat back.

(All the girls were murmuring that how could she reject)

The teacher assigned another girl who was dying to help him. During lunch break, Clair was so angry that I had to ask what was going on saying: "Clair?? You good you look irritated today". Clair grasped and said: "You saw the new guy in our class right, that brat was in the same middle school as me".



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