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"I'm going to assign each to all seven groups here. Derrick Smith for the first one. Claire Briar for the second one. Nia Cole for third. For the fourth Eva Robbinson, fifth Maltida Owens. Sixth Aaron Herron and for the seventh and last Kevin Elwood. All the captains are advised to take contact information from their members so that it will be easy for them to cooperate."

He took a deep breath and said further

"Don't ask me why I assigned you the following. Good luck and Goodbye, see you after the break or not hahaha."

He laughed maniacally and left.

After all this Aiden pointed out Diana and said "Oh lord, why did you make this woman so dumb"

Staring at a distance and provoking Diana.

"He called it hard". Said Claire while resting her head on the desk. (Head down)

"So what? I said what I had to, and about being dumb look who's talking. You should thank God that we don't have to do theory. " Said Diana with a flushed face, she knew that the teacher had assigned the hardest one to them because of what she said. (She's not that dumb)

"We wouldn't know until we try to. We just need to look for what the past year had done and try to make it better, looking at what sir

has told". Luan said softly after he saw the three upset.

"Yess that is what I'm talking about, let's do itt. Give me your contact I'll save it and create a group chat for us".

Diana's mood was enlightened as well as Aiden's but Claire seemed spaced out as if she was in deep thought.

Aiden furrowed his brows as he opened his mouth.

"But wait! Where will we gather to make this assignment???"

"That's what I was thinking." Claire looked up at Aiden.

"Talk about no problem, you all three will come to my place" Diana slammed her desk out of excitement.

Claire twitched her brows as she said:

"That's too far, as the professor said that we will have to visit such places from where we could admire nature. So for that, we will have to be closer to the junction."

"And which is near your house." Her eyes enlightened and she held Claire's hand saying:

"Call your mom and get permission. Oh wait first, Luan and Aiden? Will it be convenient for you two to join us well Claire lives by the junction".

"Luan too". Aiden grinned and slapped Luan's back jokingly.

"Well, we don't. You should ask your parents if they will allow it or else we will have to rent a small place for it."

Luan crossed his legs and, made unintentional eye contact with Claire for ten seconds which made his face hot red as he replied to Diana.

"Bro??? Why are you all red out of the blue!! You good or probably feeling cold? ". Aiden was worried about Luan because he was all red from blushing.

"What are you? His grandma?" Diana blankly stared at Aiden who was currently too worried about his best friend catching a cold in the hot weather.

"Claire you please call your mother and ask for permission. I want to go home and get rid of this dumb woman here". Aiden made an annoyed face and pointed at Diana.

"The audacity yo-"

Diana was in the middle of replying to Aiden as she heard:

"Hello, mom? I want to ask something"

It was Claire who was about to ask her mother if she could bring her members over to make the assignment. Before Claire could open her mouth and tell any further Diana snatched her phone from her hand and said:

"OMG! Hello auntie how are you?? It's been so long since I have heard your voice, how are you doing? Oh my! I'm also good, well auntie you might know that we are getting a break from tomorrow. Yess summer break, and our school has assigned everyone a project due August, which our teacher had said is lengthy so we will have to do it at home but there are four of us. Mhm, what really?? Oh my! Thank you so much auntie you have solved a big problem of ours. So I will meet you tomorrow, okay bye-byee".(she kept getting answers from Mrs.Briar. The call wasn't on speaker so we don't know what she exactly said but she allowed)

"Guyss she said that we can!! Finally!", said Diana stretching her arms.

"You kind of forced her," said Aiden.

"Oh, come on you don't know how Mrs. Briar is. You will see it tomorrow at Claire's place, or whenever our leader tells us to start." Replied Diana.

"Oh yes, let's start tomorrow so we end it soon, don't forget we have exams right after the first week, and about the address I will share my location as soon as I reach home," Claire said while packing her bag.

"Alright, I got to go. I will bring past year's assignment copies or whatever is available and will show it to you guys tomorrow"

Luan looked at Claire, and stood up to say further:

"Get up or you will be late for your bus" he pointed at Aiden.

Diana hurried as she heard the word "LATE" because she had to catch the bus too. The two of them left as quickly as possible, they ran to get the bus but missed. 

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