Chapter 3: Where Devils Run Rampant

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Kaz Brekker

              Kaz Brekker didn't need a reason.

              At least, that's what most of Ketterdam had been led to believe. And so that was how it was. Kaz "Dirtyhands" Brekker didn't need a reason to do anything. But he did have them. He had his reasons. He always had his reasons. He merely refused to share them with people who didn't deserve them (most people).

               But right now, he truly didn't need a reason to be surveying the happenings of the Crow Club: the club he had subtly taken over from his employer, Per Haskell. The club was still under Per Haskell's name, but Kaz built it into what it was now. Most of the Dregs, Per Haskell's gang, looked to Kaz more often than they looked to their actual leader, likely because Kaz was more competent.

              While overseeing the gambling tables to make sure no one was cheating (as he would have), Kaz noticed Jesper ask for the bag of Zemeni coins that was tossed to the dealer.

              "The Lucky Nine Casino up the block has had trouble with counterfeit coin lately," Jesper explained to the man who had given the money. "Heavy, but brittle."

              "Oh, come on now. I've been here for hours," the man argued. "My money is good, no?"

              Kaz eyed the table from a little way off, having a feeling he knew what was coming. Jesper liked to show off every chance he got.

              "Zemeni coin can take a bullet," Jesper said, proudly. "But the knockoff..."

              With the wink of his eye, Jesper flicked two coins into the air and fired a single shot. When the coins landed, both were smoking from the bullet holes.

              "Busted." Jesper simply flipped his pearl-handled pistol back into his holster and watched as the man argued and struggled against the club's bouncers hauling him away.

              Once the man was out of sight, Jesper dove for the cash pile in the middle of the table. He was stopped short by the tip of a dark wooden cane slamming down on the pile. He pulled back quickly.

              Kaz glared at him and shook his head in disappointment. "No loud noises at the table, Jesper." He paused. "You'll scare off the pigeons."

              Jesper agreed. "Wouldn't want that, boss."

              Kaz narrowed his eyes, realizing something. "Shouldn't you be on the door?"

              Jesper agreed once more, not wanting to get whacked with the crow-headed cane.

              Kaz gave him one last glare before switching his cane to his other hand and walking off, only to be intercepted by Rotty.

              "Early for action innit, Kaz," Rotty greeted.

              "What do you want, Rotty?" Kaz was straight to the point, as always.

              Rotty understood right away and provided details on a DeKappel painting that was stolen the night before. He explained that it was worth 10,000 kruge and that the security measures involved meant that either it was a group effort or a ghost. Rotty claimed to have a buyer lined up. Perhaps he had also been hoping the ghost would confirm that he had been the one to steal it; however, Kaz merely replied with a curt "Who can hear a whisper here?" before walking upstairs into his "office."

              He stepped inside and locked the door before turning around and smirking at the DeKappel hanging on the wall. It held more significance to him than some successful heist or an expensive painting. It was more personal than that. Kaz briefly thumbed the ring that was seated inside the eye socket of the crow on his cane. He swiftly walked into the other room before he could be dragged into useless remembrance of a girl who had been dead for years.

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