All Is Grey

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Alice emerged on the other side. She brushed the dirt from her dress. She did not remember the descent not being that bumpy before. Looking around, she fell in love with the world all over again. The twisted trees with leaves of every color and the birds with silly heads who sat watching her. She could hear the singing of the flowers and the buzzing of the rocking horse flies.

Alice found the path that first led her to the tea party. She could not contain her excitement. Alice ran down the path with her skirts in her hands. She knew her hair would loosen in the run, but she did not care. Soon, she would be at a mad tea party.

The sight of the tea party stopped her in her tracks. It was grey, like a layer of dust was laying on everything. At one end, March Hare sat. His head was bowed with his long ears resting on the table. It was as if he was asleep. Like the table, he was grey. Alice wiped her fingers on the table to see if it was dust. No, everything was the color grey now.

Alice picked up Dormouse's tea pot and peered inside. He was curled up, his little sword at his side. Tears flowed down her face when she set the pot gently back. She was gone too long.

"Hatter." Alice softly cried, seeing her friend. He was grey. Like March Hare, his head was bowed yet his hat remained on his head. Alice knelt at his side. She slid her hand into his. Tears dropped from her face.

"Hatter, sweet Hatter. I'm so sorry that I stay away so long. I wanted to come back but could not find my way." She whispered to him. Alice kissed his cheek and then laid her head on his thigh and wept.

"Hello Alice darling." Hatter's voice caressed her ear. She quickly looked up. Hatter, now in full bright color was smiling down at her. Alice cried out in joy as Hatter pulled her up. Standing up from the chair, Hatter began to waltz around the table with Alice. The sound of her laughter woke up March Hare. Dormouse's head popped out of his resting place, confuse of the noise. As they awake, the beautiful colors of the tea party return. The pots and cups began to move and dance along the table.

"You are late for tea!" March Hare yelled, throwing an empty tea pot at the dancing couple. Hatter dipped Alice just in time to have the pot miss them and smack against a tree.

"A bit late but return never the last." Hatter mused, standing Alice upright. He looked at the now young woman in his arms. Gone with the little girl who stood on his feet while they dance before. Her eyes were still the bright blue that rival the bluebells in the forest. Golden hair of wild curls that were falling loose from the pinned-up style she wore. She had grown out of her blue frock: a party dress with a scoop necklace, elbow sleeves, and a combination of colorful flowers and dove grey stripes adorned her now. "You are more beautiful than one could possibly image." Hatter whispered.

Alice blushed and turned her face. His sweet words caught her off guard. Smiling, she turned back at him. His almond shaped eyes were bright amber in the sunlight. Hatter still had his hand on her waist, ready for another dance if necessary. He was still taller than her, now only several inches. As a woman, she noticed the soft pink in his lips and point of his chin. He was still wonderfully mad, now she saw him as wonderfully handsome too.

"You're not our Alice. Our Alice is a little girl!" Dormouse shouted, pulling out his sword. He hopped down on the table. "Where is our Alice?" Dormouse demanded, pointed the tiny blade at Alice.

"Dormouse, it is me. I have just grown up." Alice explained, moving from Hatter's embrace. She did not see him frown when she left his arms. Alice knelt her to the table where Dormouse stood. Alice began to sing the lullaby that she sang to the group before they would bed down for the night.

Dormouse dropped his sword. "Alice!" He cried out, launching himself off the table. Alice caught him and kissed his little furry head. "What took you so long to return? We missed you terrible. Did you miss us?" Dormouse asked, curling up against her neck. Before, he would ride on her shoulder and hang on to the strands of her hair.

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