All Dreams Come True

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Alice did not want to wake up. She feared it was all a dream. If she opened her eyes, she would be back in her bedroom at the parent's manor and the stone to Wonderland would still be there. She buried her head farther into the pillow.

"Mommy, mommy! It's morning, mommy!" A little girl's voice called out. Alice felt the blanket move from her, and something climb under them with her. A little body cuddled close to Alice. Little fingers curled around locks of Alice's hair. Alice wrapped her arms around the little something, drawing it closer to her.

Alice smiled as she opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was the wealth of blond hair of her daughter's Adaline. She was nestled against Alice's nightgown. Alice brushed her wild curls back, her big brown eyes looking up at Alice. Adaline had her father's eyes.

"It's morning. Will my baby brother or sister come today?" Adaline asked, hugging Alice's swollen belly. Very soon, she would be giving birth to her second child. She was hoping for a little boy, just as handsome as his father.

"Addie, your mother needs her rest." Hatter said, walking in with a dining cart for his wife. Hatter parked the cart next to the bed. Adaline stood up and jumped into her father's arms. Peas in a pod, these two were.

Alice sat up, settling on the pillows behind her. Her belly started to move with activity. Adaline reached down and felt the baby moved about. Hatter bend down and kiss Alice. He placed a kiss on Adaline's forehead. Lastly, he kissed the belly that was carrying his child.


"Your highness, there are people here to see you." The commander approached Alice as she sat in her comfy chair in the rose garden. Now the beginning of lunch, Alice wanted to be outside for it was a beautiful day and the smell of the roses were called to her. Rising out of her chair with Hatter assisting her, Alice cried out in joy.

"Mother! Father!" Alice was overcome with emotions as her parents rushed to her. They held each other close and cried happy tears. Once Alice could speak again, she made the introductions. "This is Hatter, my husband. Adaline, these was your grandparents. This is your grandmother, who you are named after." The little girl's eyes grew wide as she hugged them happily.

"The rabbit hole was open again and we have missed you terrible." Her mother embraced her. She giggled as she felt the baby moved inside Alice. "Oh, Alice. I am so happy that you found your way home."

"Come Mother, let us have lunch together and then we can show you and father around. It has changed quite a bit since you left for Upperland." Alice exclaimed, asking the servants to please bring out more chairs and plates.

The rest of the day was filled with laughter and madness. Hatter ran around with Adaline on his shoulders while Dormouse and Hare was hopping about. Her father's eyes filled with the wonder around him as they walked about the castle and grounds.

"This is the jabberwocky, Grandfather!" Adaline explained to William as they entered into the conservatory. The bones had been taken from the field and wired up above the plants. Alice thought it was fitting to have the great beast in the air again.

Tea was a delight as the pots and cups danced about. Adaline showed her grandparents the proper way to drink tea while standing on one's head. Alice was laughing when she felt a telltale sign. She looked over at Hatter and nodded her head. It was time, the baby decided to make this day not their un-birthday.


Alice smiled at Hatter as he cradled their son in his arms. Adaline was curled up to her mother, sound asleep. Her parents were sitting on the couch, close to the bed. The little boy was named after his grandfathers, Tarrant and William.

The kingdom was silently celebration the birth of their little prince. When his birth was announced by Cheshire Cat, paper lanterns filled the darkening sky, sending up well wishes and good thoughts for the royal family. Already the courtyard was filling up with gifts for the new baby. Just like the rest of the family, this child would be loved by the kingdom for all the help and dedication the Queen and King provided.

"Alice, would it be too much trouble if we stayed in Wonderland?" Lord William asked as Hatter handed him his grandson. "We lost years with Adaline, and we don't want to miss another moment." Her mother, Adaline agreed. They had been going to the rabbit hole near daily to see if the stone was moved. Things were in arrangement if they were ever to just vanish one day.

"No trouble at all. I would love for you both to be here with us." Alice spoke with happy tears ran down her face. Her mother kissed her forehead. She smiled at her wonderfully mad daughter. Never did she think that when she climbed out of the rabbit hole as a girl of eighteen, she would ever live such a dream. Now, her daughter was living her own dream. 

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