Refuge for the Night

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The river calmed itself as it became shallow around a bend. Hatter used this to his advantage, carrying Alice to the sandy shore. Laying her on the wet sand, Hatter pushed on her chest, using a technique he had seen people do when they pulled someone from the water. He cried out in joy when Alice started to cough up water. He rolled her to her side, letting her body spit out the fluid. She took heavy breaths as her lungs remember the feel of air in them.

"Alice." Hatter called to her. Her eyes fluttered open for a moment and remain closed. She was breathing, that is all that mattered to him. Hatter survey the area they landed in. The side of the river that they needed to be on was far up on the canyon wall still. There was an opening to the woods were close to the side of the river they were currently. In the rock face near the woods, there was a cave. Hatter picked Alice up in his arms and moved to the cave. The air was dry and the ground more solid than the sand. There was a ring of stones, someone had used the cave to camp out before. The dust shown that it was quite a while ago.

Hatter laid Alice on the ground, his overcoat for a pillow. He had lost his hat but did not lose Alice. Shivering, he went into the woods. He was tired, cold, and desperately worry about Alice who had not regain conscious. Now, he had to focus his mind on building a fire to warm both up and possible food.

Hatter was in luck. There was many dry sticks and broken limbs from the trees. He found a fire berry bush. He returned to the cave with his trove. Placing the sticks in the ring, he tossed the fire berries in one at the time, getting the sticks to catch the flames as the berries burst open. Soon, a nice fire was roaring.

Alice was still unconscious. He stroke her hair, wishing that she would open her eyes. He knew if she stayed in those wet bindings, her skin would chafe so. He unbuttoned her shoes and set them near the fire to dry. Hatter carefully unlaced her bodice and took it off her body. On the rocks inside the cave, he laid it out and the other trapping to dry.

With a good amount of dry moss, he fashioned a pillow for her head so he could lay out his coat to dry. He added his own clothes to the rocks. Now, Hatter was dressed only in his breeches. Alice was in her undergarments and underskirt. Hatter felt naughty reaching under her skirt to undo her stockings. It was necessary for her feet were so cold. Hatter massage them, trying to get them warm.

Alice woke to the sensations of something touching her feet. Opening her eyes, she found Hatter sitting there with her foot in his hands. He was bare chested, and his hair was in his face as he was performing his task. The feeling of his fingers on the sole of her foot felt good.

Alice let her eyes roam over Hatter. She had never seen him so disrobe. As an adult, she pondered what he would look, wearing less clothes. A shameless thought she scolded herself for. Now, she did not have to imagine anymore. Hatter was very fit. His arms bore lean muscle. His chest was chiseled a bit. He did not have big, broad shoulders, which never was her fancy. His shoulders were narrow, easier to grip when she was youngers, running from the Queen and other dangers.

"Hatter." Alice called softly. He snapped his head up to her. A large smile came across his face. Alice sat up and was pulled into his lap. Hatter wrapped his arms around her, so happy that she was awake. He kissed her forehead and pushed her loose hair from her eyes. Her curls had dried and were wild about her. Alice leaned onto his chest, feeling the warmth of his body. She laid her head in the crook of his neck.

"I have been so worried about you, Alice darling." Hatter sighed, placing more kisses in her hair. He tightened his arms around her, never wanting to let her go.

"Thank you for saving me." Alice spoke, pressing her face to his neck, wrapping her hand around the other side. Hatter closed his eyes, relishing in her touch on his skin. Smiling, he looked down at her. Her lips had returned to their rosy, pink state. Her bright blue eyes were looking up at him. She smiled back, her fingers caressed his cheek.

Hatter licked his lips, lowering his face slightly towards hers. He kept his eyes open. He watched as Alice's eyes soften. Rising, Alice pressed her lips against his. The kiss was soft. Hatter caressed her cheek, moving his lips with hers. Alice moans against his mouth as she ran her hand down his bare chest. She was bold, touching his lips with the tip of her tongue. Hatter opened his mouth to allow the new sensation.

Their tongues twist with each other as Hatter ran his hands up and down Alice's back. She moves in his lap, now she was straddling him. Her hands tangled in his hair as the kiss became more demanding and heated.

"Hatter." Alice gently moaned, as he began to trail kisses down her neck. The lustful sound of his name about drove him insane. Hatter laid Alice back on the moss, his body over hers. Cradling his hips between her legs, Alice wrapped them around Hatter's waist. He groaned, feeling the heat between her thighs. They kissed deeply, their tongues dancing. Hatter caught her hands and held them above her head. Alice arched her back, moving herself against him. Hatter laced his fingers with hers.

Hatter stopped when he felt the small band around Alice's finger. This is wrong, she belonged to another. Hatter pulled away from her embrace. He sat up, wrapping his arms around his knees. His breath was labored. He stared into the fire.

Alice sat up as well. She felt so wanton by her actions with Hatter. She too stared into the fire, not knowing what to say or do. Her thoughts were troubled.

"Do you love him?" Hatter asked. His voice trembled.

"No." Alice confessed softly. She had admiration for Roland, but not love.

"If you don't love him, why are you marrying him?" Hatter asked, looking over at Alice.

"It is the proper thing to do. In my world, at times one must sacrifice their wants and desire to do what is necessary." Alice explained, looking to him.

"Necessary? It is necessary to marry a man you don't love." Hatter spoke. Her world sounded madder than his.

"People say we are a suitable fit. Perhaps, one day, I will love him." Alice looked down in the fire. Hatter could see the doubt in her eyes. He wanted so desperately to pull that ring off her hand and throw into the river. To lay her down and show her how much he could love and cherish her as his bride, his forever. To never see that doubt in her eyes again.

Instead, Hatter peered out the mouth of the cave. Night was upon them. In the dark, the furious creatures of Wonderland roamed.

"Let us sleep. In the morning, we will find something to eat and make our way to the bridge down the way. It is close to the castle, but the only way to cross." Hatter spoke, moving to lay next to the fire, away from Alice. He was fighting with himself and losing.

Alice nodded, laying down. She wrapped her arms around herself, missing his touch terribly. She closed her eyes to hide the tears.

"Damn it all." Hatter whispered to himself. He moved back to where Alice was laying. He laid behind her on his side, facing her. Alice rolled over and curled up against his chest. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her closer. He rested his cheek on her head. Her forehead was against his skin. He felt the rhythmic breathing from Alice on his chest. For that one night as she laid asleep in his arms, he could dream that she was his.

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