Just a change of clothes

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Hatter woke to the feel of a large, wet thing going across his face. His eyes open to find the Bandersnatch above him, his wide, sharp toothed mouth formed into a smile as the beast licked him again.

"I dare say, today is full of surprises." A voice pondered. Shielding his eyes from the sun, Hatter could see Cheshire Cat laying on Bandersnatch's head, wearing Hatter's Hat. "I found this beautiful hat at the river side. Later, I heard this beast barreling out of the dark woods. Now, we have you here. What are you doing out here and where is your coat?"

"They took Alice." Hatter staggering to his feet. The saliva of the Bandersnatch healed his head injury. Alice must have called to the beast. He would only come to her voice. Looking around, the search party was nowhere in sight. His eyes fell on the castle. Was he too late?

"Alice is back. That is horrible. The King would make her a mindless thing." Cheshire Cat mulled over, looking at the castle.

"We must save her." Hatter hollered, running back to the bones of the Jabberwocky. Ripping about the ground at the rib bones, Hatter found the spear that was used to shot down the great beast. Pulling it from it place in the ground, Hatter was joyed to see the spearhead was still there. It was no ordinary spearhead for that would have just bounced off the Jabberwocky's side. Loosening it from the wooden staff, Hatter held the Vorpal Sword.

Climbing on the back of the Bandersnatch, Hatter, and Cheshire Cat rode to the kingdom at neck breaking speed. Gripping the sword, Hatter feared the worst. If the King turned Alice, Hatter would run him through with the sword. He hoped that the Bandersnatch's saliva would be enough to heal her. He would turn grey with her for life without her would not be worth living.


Alice was bathe, her hair washed, and her skin covered in lotions and creams. She was taken into a room where she was dressed in an odd fashion. The dress revealed much of her body with the low necklace and red lace material. Her hair was curled and styled to cascade down her back. Her eyes were lined with black kohl that made them stand out more. Alice hated to admit it, but she looked alluring.

She was locked in the royal bedroom chambers. She tried every door and window. Nothing open for her. There was food and drink in the chambers, but she dared not touch it. She stood behind the door. Eventually someone will walk through. Her plan was to pull them away and run out. After that, she would make it up as she went.

The door opened and Alice waited they were passed the door to grab them. Unfortunately, the person who walked in anticipated her plan. With an arm wrapped around her waist, the person slammed the door shut and pushed her against it. Hands were slammed next to each side of her face.

The King smiled at Alice; his half grin showed his amusement with her. The fire in her made him happy that she broke the orb somehow.

"My, my Alice. You are ravishing in red lace. You may never wear anything else after I name you, my queen." He pondered, licking his lips.

"I will never be your queen." Alice hissed; anger dropped from her words. "I am engaged to be married."

"Is that so? Do you love the one who you are going to marry?" The King asked, looking her up and down. He saw Alice look away, biting her lip. He smiled. "I see. Engaged to one and loves another. Who could you love? That Mad Hatter perhaps?"

Alice snapped her eyes back at him. How dare he say Hatter's name. This King was not worthy enough to even think it.

"None of that matter. You are here with me, far from Upper Land and Hatter will become bones just like the Jabberwocky became." The King laughed. Alice saw red and slapped the King across the face. He smiled at her, touching the cheek she hit. "So spirited. So fierce. So mad." The King forced a kiss on Alice's lips. She tried to push him away, but he grabbed ahold of her waist and back of her head. He pushed his tongue into her mouth.

"Ow!" The King shouted, pulling away. Alice bit his tongue, drawing blood. He saw the blood on his fingers and chuckled. "You like to give pain. Let's see if you like to receive it." The King mused darkly, gripping the back of her head again, pulling her hair. He started to lower his mouth to her throat to place bites on her skin when the breaking of glass and the roaring of a beast echoed in the castle.

"What the ..." The King did not finish his though for Alice kicked him hard in the crotch and punched him in the face. Pushing away from the door, she flung it open. She ran to the noise. She recognized the roar anywhere.

"Alice!" Hatter shouted as he fought with the King's men. The Bandersnatch roared out to his friend, swapping men off their men with his huge paws.

"Hatter! Bandersnatch!" Alice yelled as she came running down the stairs. Hatter turned to her voice. He was so happy to see she was not grey. He was shocked to see her in the outfit. The skirt was short, her legs were bare, and the lace barely covered her breast. He tried to push the images from his mind as she jumped in his arms.

"You're alive!" She cried, nearly weeping.

"Yes, Alice darling. You save me with calling for him." Hatter recalled nudging the furry beast. Alice reached and petting the beast. He purred under her touch. "Now, we must flee." Hatter said, pushing Alice onto the Bandersnatch's back.

"Alice!" Dormouse's voice called out. In the hands of a solider, inside a tiny cage was Dormouse. Next to the solider was March Hare in shackles. They had been captured by the search party and taken to the castle.

"Now Alice." The King walked down the stairs in a leisurely manner. "You have a choice. Leave and I take their hearts. Stay and I let all of them go. What do you choose?" He smiled. She valued her friends, that is why they did not tell the soldiers their plan to hid Alice.

"A duel, between you and I." Alice offered. "If I win, we all go free."

"If I win?" The King asked, cocking his eyebrow.

"I will stay and be your queen." Alice lifted her chin and spoke bluntly.

"No, Alice! Save yourself." Dormouse called out. March Hare whimpered.

"Alice, this is madness." Hatter exclaimed; his arm tight around her waist.

"Exactly." Alice replied, caressing his cheek.

"I accept your challenge. Do you need a sword?" The King asked.

"No." Alice took the Vorpal Sword from Hatter. "Just a change of clothes."  

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