Must Flee

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The sounds of horses stilled their walking. Soldiers from the King of Hearts were on the search and were riding up to the tea party. A spy bird spoke of a young lady with golden hair who was running towards the tea party. There was no time to hide Alice in a tea pot like they did once before. The 'drink me' potions were far from reach.

"The lady must come to the castle to be seen by the King of Hearts." The commander of the search party ordered when Hatter asked to state their business. Alice was tucked behind Hatter, his arms protectively around her.

"I'm sorry gentlemen, but she must be on her way home. You see, this lady is engaged to be married already." Hatter told them, holding out Alice's left hand. The little ring gave a sparkle in the sunlight. Alice held onto Hatter's waist with her other hand for she was trembling so.

"That does not matter. She must be presented to the King." The commander shouted, reaching down to push Hatter out of the way. Hatter grabbed his arm and pulled him off his horse. Without the rider, the horse reared up and began whiny loudly. The other horsed followed suit. The soldiers fought to control the creatures.

"Run Alice!" Hatter yelled. She jumped from behind him to tried to start up the path the rabbit hole. The commander had lifted himself from the ground and was blocking her way. Alice turned and ran back to the tea party area. The commander was hot on her heels.

As she ran near the table, the commander grabbed the back of her hair. She screamed as he pulled her to him. Getting her hands on a tea pot, she twisted and smashed it in his face. Hot tea erupted all over him. The commander dropped to his knees, screaming. Alice kicked him in the crotch of his pants, sending him doubling over in pain. Lifting a chair, she broke up over his back.

"You remember everything I taught you, Alice!" Dormouse cheered on her shoulder. Alice turned to see Hatter and March Hare racing to her.

"We must find a way to double back to the rabbit hole!" Hatter yelled, taking Alice's hand. With her skirts in her other hand, the group raced down the path, going deeper into Wonderland.

The soldiers regain control of their mounts and found their commander. Back on his horse, he led the men in pursue the lady with the golden hair. He recalled her when she was a child when he was under the thumb of the Queen of Hearts. He was one of the card men that she helped paint the roses red. She was just as spirited and fierce as she was then. She would make the prefect Queen of Heart.

The wooden path opened to a wild canyon with a raging river below. The group continue to run for the search party was still in pursuit. Crossing the river was a wooden bridge that had seen better days. The planks had started to rot and wear away. The rope was frayed in places. Yet, it was the only way to cross the river at the point.

"I will go first, then Alice. March Hare, you follow last." Hatter commanded, testing the stability of the first plank. He held his breath as he slowly walked across. He tested the weight bearing of each piece before stepping on. His foot went complete through one. He had to grip the ropes from falling through.

"Dormouse, stay with Hare." Alice pleaded, placing her little friend on March Hare's shoulder. "If something happens, hop out of danger's way." She touched March Hare's face. He nodded.

Now, she stepped onto the bridge, mimicking moves that Hatter made across. Alice was only halfway across when the soldiers appeared. March Hare and Dormouse started to run away along the canyon as Alice asked for them to do. They would be safe, she hoped for the search party only wanted her.

Alice tried to run across, but the groan of the ropes and wood stopped her. She looked around, the frays were getting worse and the cracks in the plank grew. Hatter was a few feet from her.

"Alice, reach for my hand!" Hatter called out over the sound of the river. He reached out as far as he could as he stepped carefully back to her.

Alice stretched out, reaching out to him. Fear set in her eyes as the cracking was deafening in her ears.

"Hatter!" Alice screamed as she felt herself fell. She hit the water hard, pushing out any air she had in her lungs. Her party gown quickly became heavy as the cotton fabric absorbed the water. She kicked her legs and moved her arms, trying to break the surface. The strong current tossed her back and forth as it made its way down the canyon. She closed her eyes, slipping into unconsciousness.

Hatter dove in after her. He fought to current, trying to find her. He screamed her name, looking for anything to show where she was. A golden mass, just under the surface was right in front of him. He reached for it. Alice's eyes were closed when he was able to pull her above the water. The weight of her dress now tried to drag the both of them down.

Hatter grasped from the scissors he kept on his person. Cutting the laces, he pushed the dress off her body. The gown sank into the river while they rode the current above. Hatter fought to keep them from sinking again. The river took them far down, away from where they needed to be to get Alice home safety. Closer to the castle and the King of Hearts' grip.

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