Bones of the Past

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In the morning, Hatter laid there, watching Alice sleep in his chest. He wished he did not need to wake her up. The sight of her blond hair across his chest and the feel of her body next to his made he want to stop time.

Alice laid on Hatter's chest, not wanting to open her eyes. Soon they would make their way to the bridge and go back to the rabbit hole. From there, she would return to the party, saying to she slipped in the pond and had to remove her dress to get out. No one will question it and she would resume her life without any more wonder.

Full of regret, Alice opened her eyes. Hatter smiled down at her. With a kiss placed on her forehead, they got up and dressed. Wearing Hatter's overcoat, Alice walked with Hatter in the woods to find something to eat.

After a small meal of nuts and berries, they followed the path in the forest. All paths will lead to the center in Wonderland where the castle was. As they walked, Alice spoke about her mother writing down all the adventures they had when she was younger. Hatter laughed when they recalled running from the Queen as she swung the ax at them. The time, they laid under the stars and renamed the constellations with sillier names. When the jabberwocky's eyes were covered by Alice's little apron, and he crashed in the trees.

Coming across a field, Alice gasped. There were large bones in the grass. The creature must have been huge. The only beast she recalled that big was the jabberwocky itself. Moving to its head, Alice noticed scraps of white linen around a base of a horn. Alice looked up at Hatter. Her mind could not fathom what she was seeing.

"Yes, Alice. It is the jabberwocky." Hatter signed, coming to stand next to her. The day that the great beast died changed Wonderland. "It was the King who had the great beast killed. After the death of the Queen, her pet went horribly mad. It attacked the castle and kingdom, trying to eat the King. Finally, it was lured out here and shot down." Hatter explained, kneeling at the large skull. He placed his hand on the bony snort. "We had some fun, old boy." He gave the resting bones a pat.

Alice's eyes were on Hatter. She did not want to see the bones of the creature gave her nightmares for now she felt sorry that it died. What else had perished by the will of this ruthless King of Hearts?

"The Bandersnatch?" Alice asked, worriedly. At first, an enemy who hunted them for the Queen and payback for his eye. Once, Alice held out the eye to him, he become a friend. His favorite thing to do was lick Alice's face with his large tongue, covering her in spit. That is how the Bandersnatch shows his appreciation and love.

"Hidden deep in the woods, Alice darling." Hatter offered, pulling her into a hug for tears were threating to fall. "We made sure he was safe for you." Hatter knew she loved the beastly creature since the eye was returned. After the death of the jabberwocky, Hatter and the others lead the Bandersnatch to a place where the King's men would not dare to venture.

"Thank you." Alice whispered, kissing his cheek. Kneeling herself, she touched the bones of her old foe, wishing that he had a better fate.

Taking Alice's hand, the two started back on their journey. Alice could see the great castle in the center of the kingdom. Lucky for them, they could skirt around the edge to get to the bridge. Going into the kingdom was a madness she dared not wanted to do.

It was the sound of racing hooves that made the two turned around. The search party had found them.

"Run!" Hatter yelled, letting go her hand. Alice ran as fast as she could. She looked back, just to see Hatter trying to spook the horses into a frenzy. The commander kicked Hatter in the head, knocking him to the ground.

"Hatter!" Alice screamed, racing back to help him. The commander ordered his men to grab her. Alice fought with the men, kicking, and punching them. The men threw her to the ground, tying her hands and feet together. Alice tried to bite her way out, latching onto one man's hand. Finally, they were able to hand her to the commander who remain on horseback. With Alice secured over his horse, the commander kicked his horse to a gallop. It was time to take Alice to see the King.

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