Together in My Dreams

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Now dressed in boots, breeches, and a white poet top, Alice and the King face each other in Heart Library. The other stood in the room, waiting. Hatter held Dormouse in his hands. March Hare was chewing on his claws. Bandersnatch watched from the doorway. Cheshire Cat appeared on Hatter's head, still wearing his hat.

The King smiled as she took her stance. He took his stance, and the duel began. The King was impressed by her technique and light foot work. Alice executed each parry and thrust perfectly.

"Complements to your teacher. They must be a great swordsman." The King pondered, circling with Alice.

"Yes, Dormouse is." Alice replied, attacking him swiftly. He parried her attack, making her back up near the shelves. Just like she wanted. He went in for an attack and she sidestep at the last moment, causing the King to crash into the bookshelf. The frame rocked for it was not connected to the wall. Some of the boxes tumbled off and crashed to hard marble floor. The force of the fall shattered the glass orbs.

"My hearts!" The King cried out as the escaped heart essences flew about the room, searching for a way out. Alice pulled the shelf over, breaking more of the orbs. "No!" He shouted, trying to catch the essences in his hands. Racing over, Alice pulled over another shelf. The King was screaming as the heart essences were filled the air.

"I will kill you!" The King roared as she pulled another shelf over. He raced across to her full force, his sword swing over his head. Alice halted in front of a window and waited. Jumping out of the way, Alice used his momentum to knock him into the window, breaking the glass. The King fell onto the ground below. The force of his landing upset an old stone statue of the Queen of Hearts, holding an ax. The arms of the statue suddenly broke off, causing the sharp ax blade to land on the King's neck.

"Off with his head." Alice mused, looking out the window. The heart essences were flying out the broken window, reuniting with the women who lost their hearts to the King.

Alice turned and found the commander and the soldiers kneeling to her. "With the slaying of the cruel King of Heart, we name Alice of the Upper Land, the new Queen of Hearts. Long live the Queen!" The commander and all the men cheered. They were all free from the grip of the King.

"I cannot be queen. I must go back." Alice was shocked.

The commander stood up. "Once you are named queen. You will always be queen, no matter where you go and how long you stay away, your highness." He bowed to her.

"Hatter." She sighed softly as he wrapped her in his arms. Hatter kissed her lips. Alice returned his kiss with her own, moving slowly, savoring the moments. Her fingers were in his hair, pressing him closer.

"Um Alice. We need to get you back." Dormouse spoke, who was on Hatter's shoulder. "Your engagement party, remember."

"Yes, of course." Alice remembered, releasing Hatter. She went to Bandersnatch who gave her a lick across her face, helping to hide her tears.

The kingdom, cheered as Alice rode slowly through the streets on Bandersnatch. The women were in full color and waving at their hero. She smiled through her tears. Seated behind her was Hatter. He was happy to see his world better than it was before. The saddest part that his queen would be leaving him, maybe never to return. He should have felt guilty, but he did not as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling back onto him. Alice rested her head on his chest. It was the memories in his arms that she would cherish the most.

They had made it back to the tea party. March Hare and Dormouse returned to their spots at the table. Alice and Hatter walked hand and hand slowly. Looked to the table where the pots and cups moved about to serve tea. He looked back at Alice. Her little smile up to him made him feel warm.

Hatter stopped. "Stay, Alice darling. Rule Wonderland. You would be the prefect queen." He requested, caressing her face. "I love you, Alice. Stay with me." Tears welled up in his eyes.

"I cannot stay." Alice replied sadly, cupping his face. "I wish I could, but I have to return. It is the right thing to do." Tears fell from her eyes. "I love you too, Hatter." She buried her face into his chest. Her tears stained his shirt and his tears fell on her head.

It was the quiet that made her look at the table. The pots and cups had stopped moving. March Hare had bowed his head with his long ears on the table. Dormouse was curled back into his tea pot. They had begun to dull in color.

"Hatter, what is happening?!" Alice cried out when she saw that Hatter had started to lose his brightness.

"When you left the first time, we realized that our lives were dull and empty without you. We just stopped." Hatter explained, taking his seat.

"No, Hatter. I don't want this for you, any of you. Please, you must live." Alice cried, kneeling at his side.

"We live in our dreams, Alice darling. There, we have had so many more grand adventures." Hatter mused; his voice grew softer. He touched her face. "We can be together in my dreams." He folded his hands on his stomach and bowed his head. The rest of the color from the tea party was gone, just the dull grey like before.

Alice kissed his cheek again, weeping. She stood up and made her way out of the little gate. Bandersnatch stood there; big tears streamed from his eyes. He licked her face one more time. He did not return to the dark woods, he laid next to the tea party, protecting his friends.

The white rabbit led her back to the rabbit hole to return to her world. His nose twitched, waiting for Alice to crawl through. Alice looked back to the path that led to her heart. The small band on her left hand reminded her why she should leave. It was the proper thing to do in polite society. Alice knelt to the white rabbit. Alice must return.

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