The Queen Comes Home

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Lady Adaline sat at a garden table, watching the party. Alice had complained of a headache and went for a short walk. It is a beautiful day for a grand adventure. Lady Adaline thought. Her own adventure many years ago bought her to the manor house and to the love of her life, William. She never dreamed that she would live such a life full of love and peace.

Alice wanted a life of love, adventure, and a bit of madness. Lady Adaline smile, she had hoped her daughter found what she was looking for. Unfortunately, the life Alice wanted would not be here. Lady Adaline knew that all too well.

A white rabbit in a waist coat hopped to Lady Adaline. She reached down and picked him up. "Hello, old friend. It is so good to see you again." She petted the animal. The rabbit turned and pulled out a rollup piece of paper from his pocket. Tied to the paper was a ring.

As the rabbit sat on her lap, Lady Adaline read the letter.

Dearest Mother and Father,

I love you both with all my heart. I know you only want what is thought to be best for me. A suitable fit and a good provider. I want and need so much more. I know it will cause such a scandal, but I must now follow my path. Please, let Roland know that he is a good man, but I was not the one for him. I have found my true love, and he is still wonderfully mad.

With my love,


Lady Adaline wiped a tear from her cheek and smiled. She placed a kiss on the rabbit's head and set him back on the ground. He hopped away to return home.

"Love, was that rabbit wearing a waist coat?" Lord William asked, watching the rabbit hopped to the stone wall.

"Yes, dearest." Lady Adaline smiled, holding Alice's letter to him. He read the letter. He knelt to his wife. He caressed her face. They would miss their daughter terribly, but they knew she would happy and love there as Lady Adaline was happy and love in Upper Land. "She has gone home to Wonderland."


"Hatter. Wake up. Let us live our dream together." Alice whispered in his ear. The color returned as he woke. Standing next to him was Alice. Happily, Hatter stood up and pulled her into his arms. They began to dance as the pots and cups started to dance with them.

"You are too early for tea!" March Hare yelled, tossing a plate this time. Ducking again, Alice laughed.

"Alice! You have come back." Dormouse cried, jumping into her hands.

"I have come home." Alice replied, kissing Dormouse's head. Hatter lifted her left hand. The ring was gone.

"Alice?" Hatter asked, still holding her hand. Alice placed Dormouse on her shoulder. Cupping his face, she placed a kiss on his lips.

"I realized that I was too mad to do the proper thing in polite society. I want to be madly in love with the one I am with." She explained, looking up at him. Hatter smiled, pressing his lips onto her again. He swung her around. Dormouse had to jump into her wild curls to keep from being flung away. "Now, let's move this tea party to a royal vendor!" Alice shouted happily.

In the kingdom, the people rejoiced when they saw their queen returning. They followed the Bandersnatch into the courtyard in front of the castle. There was an announcement that the following day would be the celebration of the crowning of the new Queen of Heart.

The castle erupted with preparation for the event. The banners of the King were stripped down and the fabric serve better uses. The Heart Library was declared to be the Royal Tea Room. The servants had been happily cleaning up the mess, smashing any unbroken orbs. The King's body had been burned and placed under the red roses in the garden. The red paint on the petals was still a bit wet. That old statue was taken down in fear she may want to take another head.

Royal seamstress fitted Alice for the royal crowning gown. They would happily to work all night to make the prefect dress. Alice smiled at them, telling what whatever they make will be prefect. She had always admired the former Queen's dresses and told them this. They were already in love with the new queen.

Alice met with the council members from the city and discuss very important business that the King never attended to. It was in the new Royal Tea Room that March Hare set up quickly with the help of the servants. The pots and cups danced about as topics were talked over and decisions were made. Only a cup and a dish were smashed in the meeting. It was a success all around.

Hatter watched Alice as she hurried about the castle, helping where she could. He smiled, his hands busing with his trade. As the Queen of Hearts, Alice would need hats to protect her from the sun and complements her outfits. She had named Hatter, the Royal Hatter and placed his top hat back on his head. Cheshire Cat wanted to keep it, but Alice traded him a royal heirloom cushion for it.

Pinning some lace to the brim of a hat, Hatter was interrupted by Alice kissing him. He kissed her back, holding the pins far from her. "Alice darling, what was that for?" Hatter asked sweetly, rubbing his nose on hers.

"You were so deep in thought that I thought you needed a kiss." Alice sighed, kissing him again. "And I need a moment in your arms. Today has turned out more madding than I thought it would." Alice laid her head on his chest. Hatter kissed her forehead, surrounding her in his arms.

"You can always have moments in my arms, any time you want." Hatter whispered in her hair. With another kiss, Alice was pulled away to design her royal banner to display. Hatter laughed, returning to his task.

The castle was buzzing about until late in the night. Finally, Alice ordered for all to rest for tomorrow would be busier and she wanted everyone to be refresh and ready. Alice was led to a different royal chamber than before. This one was set up for her.

After getting cleaned up and ready for bed, she heard a knock at the door. She was worried that something had happen. On the other side, it was Hatter. His hat was in his hands, a sign that he was nervous.

"Alice, since the night in the cave, I know I will not be able to sleep without you next to me." He requested softly. She was thinking the same thing. Pulling him in into the room, Alice helped him stripped down to his breeches. She found a pair of sleeping pants and handed them to him. Behind the dressing screen, Hatter finished getting ready for bed.

Crawling under the covers with Alice, Hatter laid on his back so she could use him as her pillow. With her hair spilled about, they held the other closer.

"I will need to mention to the servants to move your belongings into here." Alice thought out loud, tracing the lines on his chest. Hatter kissed her head.

"That would make things more convenient." Hatter mused, smiling.

"Especially after I name you King of Hearts tomorrow." Alice looked up at him. Hatter sat up, holding her. He caressed her face. "Hatter, you are already the king of my heart. I want you to be at my side. As my friend, my love, and my husband and king." Alice told him. Hatter kissed her, laying her back into the bed. Never in his dreams could he had imagined this really happening. His Alice, his love, becoming his wife and queen. 

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