BTVS - The Scoobies (+Spike)

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Summary: While talking to a vengeance demon, Dawn accidentally made a wish for everyone to stop lying. What happens to her group of friends when all of their secrets are revealed?

Pairings: A dash of Spike x Reader (romantic)

Trigger Warnings: None

Requested: No


You were thrown into a crypt and the wind was knocked out of you. Before you could regain your strength and attempt to fight back, the vampire had rushed you and picked you up by your jacket's collar.

He pinned you against the wall and was about to take a bite of your neck when he turned to dust before your eyes.

You stumbled a bit as you landed on your feet, but it didn't stop you from throwing a nod to the bleach blond vampire who'd just saved your life.

"A nod? That's all I get for saving your life?"

"What do you want? A cookie?" You stretched out your arm and examined it for any injuries from the fall.

Spike dramatically held out his arms. "A thank you would be nice." He scoffed, "Should've let him eat you..." He looked at you with a soft gaze. "Then again, that's hard to do. I like you for some bloody reason." He squinted. "Maybe it's cause you're pretty and smell like strawberries."

You looked up at him through your brows. "What?"

He was grinning. "I dunno, I love your laugh. You're funny, smart..." His face contorted in disgust. "Why the hell am I telling you this?"

"I don't know, but keep going. I've had the biggest crush on you ever since you got the chip and can't eat me." You cocked your head to the side. "It's nice to know you're crazy about me," you casually added.

His head leaned back in surprise. "Really?"

You nodded. "Yeah." Your eyes widened in horror. "But no one knows that but me." You walked by him. "Giles, we need Giles."

"Can we talk about our feelings on the way?"

"No." You groaned as you felt the word vomit coming. "You're so annoyingly charming. It makes me sick, but I like it. I like it a lot." You walked faster. "God, make it stop!"

Spike matched your quickening pace. "If it makes you feel any better, I realized I fancied you not long after we vowed to kill each other."

Your brows furrowed. "That's nuts."

"I know. I guess a wannabe slayer turns me on."

"I'm not a wannabe!" Your face fell. "God, am I a wannabe?"

"A bit."

"Okay, stop talking."

The two of you walked all the way to Giles' loft and the second you stood in front of his door, you started pounding on it like a crazy person. If he were asleep, he'd damn sure wake up to help you.

Giles opened the door with narrowed eyes. "Y/n, what the bloody hell are you doing?"

"Well, we need your help..." more word vomit was incoming and you couldn't stop it. "I honestly feel best coming to you because you're totally everything I wanna be as a person." You turned to Spike and clutched the collar of his shirt, pulling him to you. "For the love of God, cover my mouth when I start spewing."

Giles couldn't hide his smile. "That's very kind of you to say. You've always been sort of like my daughter. More so than Buffy, although I do adore her as if she were my own..." his brows furrowed. "Why did I say that?"

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