SPN - Jack Kline

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Summary: Ever since Jack was born, you'd taken the role of being his older sister. When you stumble upon a shapeshifter case, you decide to take Jack and teach him how to kill one, but what happens when it turns out to be more than a regular shapeshifter?

Pairings: Jack Kline x Winchester!Reader (platonic) and a dash of Sam Winchester x Daughter!Reader

Trigger Warnings: Typical Supernatural level violence/swearing

Requested: Yes

Special Notes:
• Requested by ClareBakeey
• Will share an image of the request itself at the bottom where I typically put Author's Notes
• Although I hope everyone enjoys my very first request, hopefully the original requester loves it


Castiel, your father, and your uncle had been scattered across the U.S. hunting monsters while you were left to watch after Jack. You loved spending time with your adopted brother, but you were growing tired of the Bunker walls and the lack of things to do in your small town.

You decided to start looking for strange cases all across the nation. In a matter of minutes, you'd selected San Francisco, California as your destination. Although it was only a shapeshifter, you figured being surrounded by water would give you and Jack an advantage considering your 'talents' as your father liked to call them.

With your laptop resting on your arms, you walked into Jack's bedroom and started reading the article to him. "Military wives in San Francisco are getting pregnant at a striking rate. The catch? The babies don't belong to our nation's heroes." You cleared your throat and scrolled down, skipping to the sentence that caught your eye. "Cora Jackson claims that her husband had come home from his tour in Iraq, but when we asked Axel Jackson how he felt about his wife's pregnancy, he told us that he'd been deployed for two years straight."

Jack's brows furrowed. "That just sounds like an unfortunate case of cheating." He frowned as he thought about how upset the poor soldier must be.

You pointed at him. "That's not the only occurrence. Over a dozen women have a similar story. They swear up and down that their husbands got them pregnant while said husbands were deployed overseas." You grinned from ear-to-ear. "This is absolutely a shapeshifter. We've got a case!"

"I thought Sam didn't like it when you went on cases without him or Dean."

You rolled your eyes. "Dad's just going to have to get over it because, other than you, I'm the only other true immortal in this family." You then shrugged. "Besides, his words were 'I don't like you hunting by yourself' and considering you're coming with me, I won't be going against his wishes." Closing your laptop, you turned on your heel with a hair flip. "Pack a bag, we're leaving in ten."

Jack being Jack, he didn't question you further. Truthfully, he didn't mind you taking him on a hunt. The other Winchesters and Castiel didn't think he was ready, but you knew better. You knew that he had the potential to put you all into retirement---you had faith in him. You were the only one who made him feel any semblance of normal, which was a relative term when talking about either of you. The two of you got along so perfectly that he sometimes wondered if he was born for the sole purpose of being your brother; something he was perfectly content with.

After getting everything packed, Jack used his powers to transport you both to a fancy hotel where you managed to snag a room with an ocean-front view. Like any other case, you unpacked, got changed into your federal agent disguises, and made your way to the homes of  the victims to conduct research.

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