SPN - Winchester Brothers

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Summary: You get into a fight with your older brothers and you accidentally let it slip that you sold your soul to save their lives.

Pairings: Dean Winchester x Sister!Reader and Sam Winchester x Sister!Reader

Trigger Warnings: Typical Supernatural level violence/swearing, slight mentions of suicidal ideation, a touch of self-loathing, theft, and underaged drinking

Requested: Yes

Special Notes:
• Requested anonymously
• If you or a loved one are having thoughts of suicide, please seek professional help. God isn't ready for you to quit and neither am I. Remember that you are loved, valued, and my DMs are open on IG if you need someone to talk to <3
• Call or text 988 to reach the suicide/crisis hotline


It was no secret that you were going down a destructive path not long after the accident, but no one knew why. Your brothers desperately tried to get you to talk to them about what was bothering you, but you'd always dismiss their worries and come up with teen angst as your excuse. For a while, this answer satisfied them, but when you started putting yourself in danger, they watched you like a mother bear watches her cub.

There were times where you just wanted to blurt out what you'd done, but you figured it would only make things worse for yourself. The truth was, after the car accident, both of your brothers were almost brain-dead. When they pulled through, the doctors called it a miracle, but that wasn't the case at all. Your brothers weren't healed by a benevolent god or the steady hands of a surgeon, they were saved because you offered your soul to a crossroads demon. Not only did you sell your soul to save them, but you also only had a year left to live. Telling them the truth would hurt them more than your constant lying, so you opted to keep living your life how you wanted to.

Even under their watchful eyes, you'd manage to sneak out of the house to get drunk at parties with your friends. You did absolutely anything and everything you wanted; you skipped school, you started having sex, you'd take the car for joy-rides, and you'd even switched your wardrobe to be more dark and revealing. You almost felt like the nerdy girl who'd take off her glasses in a cheesy 2000s chick-flick. Once you sold your soul, it was like you were free to live however you wanted.

After a few weeks of simple partying, you developed a habit of stealing clothes and accessories from the mall. You were savvy, but one day, a security guard caught you stealing a pair of sunglasses and had you arrested. Riding in the back of a cop car with your hands cuffed behind your back was the first ounce of fear that you'd felt in a long time. Although you knew your brother's disproved of your current lifestyle, it never got you into any real trouble.

When they came to pick you up from the precinct, they were exactly how you pictured them; Dean was red in the face with a controlled anger while Sam kept a disappointed frown. The ride home was so quiet that you could only hear your heartbeat. You just wanted one of them to lecture or scream at you, but nothing came until you stepped foot into the door.

"Explanation. Now." Dean barked as he slammed the door shut behind him.

You shrugged nonchalantly in an attempt to hide how guilty you really felt. "If you'd seen the glasses, you'd understand why I wanted them." You crossed your arms and looked between the two of them. "Besides, don't act like you haven't tried to steal anything before."

Sam shook his head. "Y/n, we stole because we had to." He sighed. "Not that it's exactly legal, but we do have the credit cards that Charlie hacked for us. Why didn't you just use one of those?"

"Have to get a little bit of a thrill somehow, now that you don't let me help on hunts anymore." You rolled your eyes, cementing the 'I-don't-care' performance.

Dean's eyes narrowed. "Kid, I don't know what the hell is going on with you, but we're tired of it." He set a fiery, paternal gaze on you and started to talk in such a stern voice it reminded you of your father. "You're grounded, understand? No TV, no laptop, no phone unless you're at school, no friends, and one of us..." He pointed between himself and Sam. "...will be with you 24/7. You'll be lucky if you even get to step outside."

"You're not dad."

Sam cut in. "No, but we're responsible for you." He nodded. "You may not see it now, but we're doing what's best for you."

"God, if I knew you two were gonna become dictators, I wouldn't have sold my soul for you!"

And there it was...the truth. In a matter of a few short sentences, you'd blurted out everything they'd needed to know. Everyone was silent, you couldn't even breathe. You knew the explosion would come now, so you braced for impact.

Dean was the first to say something, but instead of sounding angry, he sounded hurt. "You did what?"

You bit your bottom lip in an attempt to hold back tears. "There..." You swallowed the lump that was quickly forming in your throat. "...now you know."

"Y/n, why?" Sam's voice cracked.

You looked away from their teary gazes. "The world can survive without me...but-but it would burn without you there to save it...so...when the doctors told me that you were both brain-dead, I knew what I had to do." You looked up at them and felt tears sliding down your cheeks. "It's not ideal, but it was the only way."

"How long?" Dean practically stared right through you.

"One year." You winced when Dean sucked in a sharp breath. "I tried to get more, but the demon wouldn't budge," you whimpered. "I'm sorry."

"You're sixteen!" Dean shook his head while he began to pace.

Sam held out his hands. "Alright, you know what? We can fix this." His words came out in a jumble. "We have more resources, have more contacts...it's going to be okay, Y/n." He nodded and inched towards you with his arms outstretched. "You're going to be okay." You crashed into him and started sobbing into his chest.

"I don't want to die." Your words came out muffled.

"Sam's right." Dean nodded, but he wasn't sure if he really believed what he was saying. "We'll get you out of this." He stopped in his tracks and watched as Sam comforted you. "Even if I have to kill every demon and hellhound myself, understand?" You only cried harder into your older brother.

Sam opened one of his arms so Dean could hug you too. You sobbed in their embrace until you couldn't breathe anymore. They continued to try to reassure you, but, as much faith as you had in them, would they really be able to save you?

Written: June 14-15, 2024

Edited: TBD

A/N: To my requester, I hope you enjoyed :)

Should I try and come up with a part two or should I just leave it open for the readers to decide what happens to Y/n?

Should I try and come up with a part two or should I just leave it open for the readers to decide what happens to Y/n?

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