CM - Spencer Reid and Aaron Hotchner

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Summary: You and Spencer had been dating in secret for a shockingly long amount of time. You'd become so good at lying that no one knew---not even your closest friends and family. What happens when you're abducted and the secret has to come out in order to save you?


Pairings: Spencer Reid x Reader (romantic), Hotch x Daughter!Reader, and Season 8 BAU x Hotchner!Reader

Trigger Warnings: Kidnapping, alcoholism/addiction, murder, swearing, abusive/controlling ex-boyfriend, psychological torture, non-consensual touching (SA undertones), and general Criminal Minds level gore/violence/themes

Requested: No

Special Notes:
• Not all of the TW apply to this particular part, I just want people to know what to expect from the whole imagine
• I tried a slightly different writing style by incorporating flashbacks into this part
• I wanted to do an angsty Reid fic and I also love the Reid x Hotchner!Reader trope, so I'm semi-basing this off my previous Reid x Hotchner!Reader imagine
• This may switch POVs, but I plan to have it mainly told from the Spencer's perspective
• I found the bottom quote on google images, but it doesn't say who said it. If anyone recognizes it, please let me know in the comments <3


"Sharing secrets can build up trust whereas keeping secrets can break that trust."

— Unknown

Spencer fully believed that love existed, he just didn't believe that it existed for him. Apart from the familial love he felt from the team and his own mother, he'd never experienced any other form of it. In his brilliant mind, he was too imperfect for any woman to fall in love with him; he always said the wrong thing, his tie was almost never straight, he was too tall to be so skinny, he always looked exhausted, he talked too much, and the list went on and on. He didn't feel worthy of love and he never expected to find anyone that would tolerate his imperfections.

Then one day, completely out of the blue, Aaron Hotchner's daughter came strutting through to doors of the BAU with a box of donuts and coffee for everyone on the team. He'd heard about you several times, but not once had he ever laid eyes on you aside from a dated photo of you and your mother that sat on Hotch's desk next to a newer baby photo of Jack.

When you walked into the bullpen with your head held high and a pearly white smile, Spencer couldn't take his eyes off of you---even with his eidetic memory, he wanted to take the time to memorize you in the moment. He couldn't help but watch you with his mouth slightly agape as he drank in your appearance; your hair swayed with your hips as you walked, your light blue checkered flannel hung off of your shoulders, your denim skirt rode up just enough to show off more of your smooth legs, but not enough to show what would be socially considered too much, your black tank top hugged your upper body and showed a sliver of your stomach, and your makeup was clearly used to make your natural beauty pop---nothing more.

By the time you walked past his desk, he was practically drooling, but then he smelled your [favorite scent] perfume. He'd smelled the scent before, but when it bounced off of you, it called to him like a siren. He watched you bound up the stairs to meet your smiling father at his office door; he couldn't hear what was being said, but he heard you giggle. It was the sweetest sound he'd ever heard and it was coming from his boss's daughter.

Morgan crept up behind him and immediately started the teasing. "Pretty boy's got a crush."

Spencer scoffed. "What? No I don't." His voice rose higher with the lie---he certainly had been attracted to your appearance. "I don't even know her! An-and she's clearly Hotch's daughter!"

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