CM - Spencer Reid and The BAU

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Summary: You and Dr. Reid had developed a relationship and managed to keep it a secret from everyone---including your father and the rest of the BAU. What happens when Spencer finds a mysterious envelope on his doorstep that leads him to believe that you've been taken? Will he try to find you on his own or will he have to tell his team and boss the truth?


Pairings: Hotch x Daughter!Reader, Reid x Hotchner!Reader (romantic), BAU x Hotchner!Reader (platonic)

Trigger Warnings: Kidnapping and light swearing

Requested: No

Special Notes:
I'm on a Criminal Minds kick at the moment, so I added the show back to the request list
• I'll admit, this will be pretty cliche for a Reid x Hotch!Reader fic, but I wanted to write it anyway
• The quotes used (aside from the one by Mark Twain) are all from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet


"There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable."
- Mark Twain

The Behavioral Analysis Unit became a key element in your life the minute your father became an FBI Profiler. You had met his entire team and they became an extended part of your family, but one particular member always stood out when the two of you crossed paths.

When you first met Dr. Spencer Reid, it hadn't been in a particularly formal setting. The doctor caught your eye when you saw him waiting in line at your favorite coffee shop. You'd already bought yourself a sweet morning pastry and a cup of coffee, but something inside you was desperate to talk to the handsome stranger. You took a page from Derek Morgan's flirt book and forced yourself to dump your coffee so you could get back in line behind him. Before you could work your charm, he turned around with furrowed brows and asked you why you threw out your coffee but not your muffin. You managed to save yourself with a flirtatious remark that the man clearly wasn't used to. After that small encounter, you found yourselves crossing paths more often---becoming fast friends and eventually you started dating.

Anyone that spent time with either of you could tell you were both happier, but even the best profilers couldn't connect the dots. Whenever you would pay a visit to the BAU, the two of you were pros at hiding how deeply your relationship really was. Admittedly, it took some time, but you'd gotten your nerves and urges under control before they could start suspecting anything. You were confident that your relationship would stay hidden until you were ready to share the news with your family, but things don't always work out the way you want them to.

You heard a gentle knock coming from the other side of your bedroom door. "Come in." You glanced at your father's reflection in the mirror with a confused, but happy smile. "You're home early." You continued to fix your hair.

"I decided to leave the paperwork for tomorrow so I could take you and your mother out for dinner, but it looks like we may be dining alone?" His brows raised as he watched you get ready for a night out at a nice restaurant.

You smiled guiltily. "I'm sorry, this wasn't completely planned---spur of the moment." You stood up and grabbed the black cardigan that was laying on your bed. "Rain check?"

"Only if you answer one question first..." He watched you shrug on the final piece of your outfit. "...when do we get to meet him?"

"Dad." You jokingly groan.

He couldn't help but grin. "I know you like to keep things private, but I can see how much he's changed you---and it isn't in a bad way." He walked over to you. "I just want to know who's making your smile brighter, that's all."

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