TVDU - Klaus Mikaelson

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Summary: Klaus fell in love with you, a human girl, in the year 1820. With your consent, he turned you into a vampire so you could live out the rest of eternity together. What he didn't take into account was how Mikael would now be following you to the ends of the earth. After a close call, Klaus compels you to forget him. What happens when you reunite decades later and discover that he's determined to break his curse by killing one of your closest friends?

Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader (romantic)

Trigger Warnings: A little swearing

Requested: No


"So..." you tossed the moonstone between your hands while pacing around the den of the Salvatore Boarding House. "This Klaus guy wants to become this big bad wolf-pire and to do that, he needs to kill Elena?"

Damon cocked his head and shrugged. "That's about it."

You tossed the moonstone into the air and caught it. "And none of you thought to tell me?" You looked between the three guilty faces of Stefan, Damon, and Elena. "I can help you."

Elena picked at the hem of her shirt. "Elijah told me something about your history..." she looked up at you with sympathetic eyes. "He said you and Klaus knew each other a long time ago—he compelled you to forget him."

Your brow quirked. "Seriously? You're telling me I knew this wack-job?"

"You didn't just know him, Y/ two were in love."

You stopped in your tracks and your head snapped in her direction. "Excuse me?"

Stefan added, "Of course we don't know much or if he's even telling the truth, but we didn't want you to feel uncomfortable."

You scoffed. "Screw that." You tossed the stone to Damon, who caught it with ease. "Where do I find Elijah? I wanna know more, now."

Elena shrugged. "I don't know, he comes to us."

You nodded. "Okay." You walked past them.

Damon asked, "Where are you going?"

You stopped at the door and turned to look at them with a strained smile. "I'm gonna go get a drink and then find the lovely Elijah." The door slammed shut behind you, making the three flinch.


You walked into the girl and made a beeline for the bar. You slapped your hand two times against the table. "Bourbon. Neat. Now, please." The bartender poured your drink and placed it down in front of you with a loud clink.

You were so frustrated and confused. Elena had become one of your best friends and apparently you'd been romantically involved with the man who so desperately wants to kill her for his own selfish gain? None of it made sense. You may have had your faults, but you were a good person. The thought of being with someone so murderous and cruel made your stomach churn.

You couldn't help but wonder if you were different when you were with Klaus. Maybe you were a malicious, cold-blooded killer. Maybe you helped him with his evil schemes. Maybe you liked being evil and that thought scared you.

The bartender dropped a piece of paper in front of you and your brows crinkled. "What's this?"

He shrugged. "Dunno. Some guy asked me to give it to you."

You picked it up and saw someone had scribbled a note;

Meet me at the clock tower in five minutes.
     - E. M.

"I guess I don't have to go on a hunt after all," you thought to yourself.

You downed your drink in one gulp and decided to get a head start. You wanted to be in control since you had so little recently. You'd be damned if you let another Mikaelson take any more power from you.

The minute you stepped inside, you felt uneasy. You thought you were making a mistake—maybe it'd be better to leave things alone and leave the past in the past. If your undead heart could beat, it would be on the floor.

You took a deep breath and walked over to the clock and stared out at the town through it. Of course, the glass made the town look foggy, but it still calmed you.

A few minutes passed and you were startled by a charming British man. "I knew you'd beat me here."

You jumped, but quickly regained your composure. "You're not Elijah..." you squinted at him and caught his features through the shadows; curly dirty-blonde hair, a light beard, hypnotic blue-gray eyes. "You're Klaus I take it?"

He stepped out into the light, giving you a clearer view of the man you supposedly loved. "That I am." He flashed an arrogant smirk, but you could tell it was all an act.

"I was looking for your brother, but this...this is better." You stalked towards him with your head held high—you refused to let him think you were afraid. "You can tell me all about the fun times we had."

His arrogance faltered. "They were wonderful, but they had to end." He swallowed hard and looked down at you. "There's no need for you to be burdened with the pain I've carried since the night I compelled you."

"I don't know what I was like back then, but I sure as hell make my own decisions now." You smiled sarcastically. "And you know what?" Your eyes raked his body. "I'm not your little bitch anymore, so maybe trying to figure out what happened in the past was pointless."

He seemed hurt—genuinely hurt. "You were far more to me than that. That's why I'm warning you to stay away from this fight. You can't win."

"Elena is my friend. There may not be a way to kill you permanently, but I'll damn sure stake you over and over again until she dies naturally of old age in sixty years." You grinned. "Do I make myself clear?"

He couldn't help but return the look. "My you have changed, haven't you. Not nearly as wise as you once were." He chuckled. "You're rather reckless without me, love."

You shrugged. "I prefer bold."

He caressed your cheek. "When I'm finished, I'll let you remember." His eyes flashed with an apologetic look. "For now..." in one swift motion, he moved his hand behind your neck and broke it. "You need to stay out of my bloody way."

Written: November 7, 2023
Edited: TBD

A/N: I feel like this is gonna need a part two...

I think I've decided to make Friday or Saturday the day I edit everything I've written so far, so if these sound stupid right now, hopefully they'll get fixed soon.

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