BTVS - Angel

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Summary: You and Angel got into a fight, resulting in you storming out of the penthouse and into the night. You don't go home, but instead you wake up in an empty motel room without much memory of what happened after you left.

Pairings: Angel x Reader

Trigger Warnings: TBD/None

Requested: No

Special Notes: There's a sprinkle of TVD in this, but not enough to call it a crossover. This is also set in Angel season 5, so potential spoilers if you haven't seen it!

Part 1


You slowly opened your eyes, allowing the sun to blind you as it shined through the dirty window. You rolled over to the other side, expecting to bump into Angel, but you were met with nothing except an empty space and stained yellow wall a few feet in front of you.

You shot up, realizing you weren't in your home. You looked around the room, examining every suspicious stain and inhaling the remnants of cigarette smoke and sweat that had been embedded into the walls and furniture. You got out of bed and sighed with relief when you saw you were still fully dressed from head to toe.

After smoothing out the wrinkles on your shirt, you crept towards the door. You didn't remember what happened after you stormed out the previous night, so you couldn't help but wonder if you were being held hostage. You held your breath as your fingers curled around the handle and it flew out as soon as the door opened to reveal a sunny motel parking lot.

When you noticed you were free to roam, you just ran. You ignored everything around you as much as you could and just focused on making your legs take you fast and far. You had to get to Angel because, despite everything, he was your safe space.

After running for miles, you found yourself stumbling into Wolfram & Hart and collapsing to your knees. Everyone just stared and gawked at your erratic behavior. You could hear their whispers as if they were standing right beside you.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Isn't that the boss's girl?"

"I think she's on drugs or something."

"What's wrong with her?"

Their words flooded your mind and you covered your ears. Not only could you hear voices, but you could hear the smallest of noises like someone sipping their coffee or the button being pushed on the water fountain. It were as if your senses had been dialed to eleven.

You felt two slender hands carefully grab your shoulders and your head shot up to see Fred sitting in the floor with you. "It's okay. You're safe now." Even though your ears were covered, you heard her clearly.

You lowered your hands and whispered, "Something's wrong with me." Your bottom lip began to tremble and a flood of tears streamed down your face. "What's wrong with me?" You sobbed and leaned into Fred for support.

"Somebody get Angel down here, now." Fred helped you stand to your feet. "It's gonna be okay." She lead you to one of the lobby benches and sat next to you, comforting you until Angel got down.

It was only a matter of seconds before Angel was rushing down the stairs with Wesley, Gunn, and Lorne struggling to keep up with him. "Y/n?"

You looked up and any anger you'd had for him the night before disappeared. "Angel!" You shot up out of your seat and jumped into his arms, burying your face into the crook of his neck.

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