Chapter 4

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Lia's Pov
My parents were safe and they were rescued by soldiers roaming around so I was thankful.
Then I notice Minjeong trying to hold her tears

" Hey are you ok?"

Minjeong: Yeah sure

"I'm just here if you need someone to talk to"
I said as I held her hands

Minjeong: Thanks
She tighten her hands around mind to assure me .

Minjeong's Pov
I removed my hands from Lia when 
I saw That fierce and piercing eyes from not far from me (karina)
Looking at her fuming hot

I look around and goes to the shelf at the back to know if there's extra food for us to eat for dinner or something..

I then spotted nothing
Yeah right. why would I expect to have food here at our classroom.. right?

Heesung then came up to me.. offering water
Heesung: Here Miss..
" Thanks " (I smiled)
Heesung: I'm wondering how did you encounter that lower student and Lee Chaeryoung..
" Uhm I'm thankful actually cause she saved me from that Lee Chaeryeong"
Heesung: What? is this her?

" Uhm I'm thankful actually cause she saved me from that Lee Chaeryeong"Heesung: What? is this her?

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"Y..yes..But more like white eyes and white bubbles comes out of her mouth Veins popping out", I said

Heesung then was about to pull me but I swat her hands away..
" I'm sorry I dont really do physical touch "
Heesung: ye-ah right (he smiled) Follow me
I then followed him to the back of classroom where in no one was at the moment.

Hessung: You know.. This Charyeong is dead
2 years ago and was found dead on that room you said earlier..

" Can I trust you?"
He then looked at me confusely
"Heesung? Can I trust you?"
Heesung: okay...

" I knew about Chaeryeong's death actually" and dont ask where did I knew about it.
But before I entered this school..
I finished my Criminal justice course and my first case was this.. And I didnt know that it turns out like this." I said looking at him

Heesung: So~ you're a Police?!

"Some what but I'm an Investigator so please help me"

Heesung: woah okay okay I would

I nodded

Heesung : So this means I'm your sidekick
(he then pulls of a detective pose)

" Yah its real but if you want you can.. But this is the thing.. If you broke my trust expect your life to be like Lee chaeryeong"

Heesung : Yes ma'am ( He then saluted)

" Please act like before you're too obvious Heesung."

"This is what I want you to keep in mind..
This virus and zombie infection is one of your dearly classmates..
( he then pulls of a shocked face )
Ok? so One of them is the sister of Lee Chaeryeong and this happening is for a revenge for her sister..
And It was successful.. If you notice something please tell me directly okay?
(I patted her shoulders)
"Ok then let's go back they might suspect us"
I said as we go back

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