Chapter 17

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Minjeong's Pov
Me and Heesung we're slowly stepping back seeing this zombie with a long tongue exposed in air swirling.


"Heesung ah hold your gun and let's do our best to live." I said to him

We then hold our guns and take charge

"Fire!" I shouted as We shooted at it
The zombie graoned in pain as it tries to attack us and then

The zombie is down..

We draw then near to it and see his tongue got blades to cut off anything and its venom on end of it

Heesung: Disgursting shet

"Let's go Heesung ah they might be waiting for us there."

We then passed through it running

"Ahh!" I stopped on my tracks

only to feel the tongue of the zombie stabbed my back.

Heesung: Yah!
He turned around and  aim  at its head and the tongue draw slowly to its mouth
Zombie totally dead now.

Heesung: Are..are you okay Minjeong -ah?!

" Leave Heesung-ah.. leave!" I shouted at him
as I'm stumbling because of the pain on my back

Heesung; Yah Kaja!
he shouted at me looking at tons of zombies coming for us.

"I said leave Hee!" I shouted in pain as I shooted at zombies to protect us.

Heesung then put his arms on my waist to support me to go upstairs..

"Yah Hee.. Thanks but.. "

Heesung: Don't talk Minjeong and please I know you'll live

Heesung: Open the door!!

Yunjin then opened the door for us as we got out and be on the rooftop.

Heesung: Start the chopper!! now!

Heesung shouted as we draw near to the chopper with yunjin also supporting me.

"Go Inside first Heesung-ah" I said

Heesung: You're injured Minjeong-ah

Karina: What happened?!
She said worriedly to me

Heesung: She got stabbed by a zombie..

I then sat on the edge of the chopper while Heesung sat down on the chair

Lia:. Yunjin-ah come get in already!

Yunjin: Leave!
She said as the door of the roof top starts to loosen

Karina: Yah Yunjin! Palii enter this vehicle now!

Yunjin: Please tell the world how I'm a hero here!
(she said as the chopper takes off higher)

"This is it..!" I whispered
We saw the door burst open as Yunjin shoot them with all she can

I'm contemplating whether to ..

"Karina! I'll be going after you..I promise!"
I shouted

I then jumped from the chopper.
[don't worry guys it's not that high when she jumped down]

Karina; Baby!!
" Minjeong ahh!"
They we're all in shocked when I Jumped

"Go! now!" I shouted from below

"Heesung-ah I entrust you all of them!"
I shouted and helped yunjin shoot the zombies that are coming.. Tons of them are leading to our direction

I then glanced lastly to them they stuck their heads out calling for me

"Live well"
I then smiled and continued to fight.

On the chopper
Heesung: F*ck it's my fault! I shoud've hold her .

Karina is weeping now while all of them tried to comfort her.

Everyone tried to hold their tears but some of them can't They then burst crying.

Giselle: Get a hold of yourself!
she said
Giselle: Let's live for Minjeong .. We're gonna do this.
she said starting to tear up

Most of them then slowly drifting to sleep


They all woke up from that sound only to see Karina holding a gun putting it to her head

"Let's meet Minjeong-ah"
She said

Thanks for reading again..
It's a short update well
Uhm only 1 Chapter left.. people

Please support if you don't want karina to die
I'm Joking...

Are you curious what will happen? Please comment for me to know your thoughtss


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