Chapter 14

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aespa  DRAMA is out now! they never really dissapoint

Minjeong's Pov
Mina smiled at me and puts her hand on my shoulder

Mina: It's fine Minjeong-ah..past will be always on the past..
(she squeezed my shoulder)

Still Minjeong's Pov

Studying on JYP Univ. is never hard and they're friendly here.
That's why I met her..

"Mina here!"
(I yelled as I called her to my seat to have lunch)

Mina: Hi babe..
(she then kissed my lips)

"mm.. Good mood.?"
I then gave her food

"How's your lecture with Miss Dahyun?"
We're busily eating as she said

Mina: usual

I then stared at her and saw some black/violet dark spot on her arms
" Baby..?" I said

Mina: Yes? (she said as she looked up on me)
What's on your arms?

Mina seems startled
Mina:'s a mosquito bite

" It seem you fine?"
Mina: Yes .. I am (she then smiled) I may scratched it hard it turns like that

"Ahh ok." (then we continued eating)

" Let me walk you to your next subject"

Mina: No!.. I-I mean... No baby I'm old enough

" Mina.. You know that you're my baby.. it's not old enough though sometimes you I call you mommy."

Mina: Aish! Pervert

we laughed

"See ya late baby."

Mina: hmm...
(she hummed while I kissed her forehead)
We returned to our Respective classes

Hour later I excused my self to pee
As I got out of the bathroom

I saw Mina getting out of the Principal's room fixing her collar and her shirt.

Huh?! Why did she got out from there?
I thought

I entered the bathroom again as she passed through

I thought I saw it alone.. Cause the next day
a post make's me want to push.
I'm angry yeah I am

There's a post saying a student came out of the principals room with a hickey on her neck and she seem pregnant ..something something

I didn't full read it and no confirmation was given

I quickly called Mina for her to explain anything. But her phone is dead she can't be reach

She then disappeared from that day ..from my life...
That's why I blamed our Principal for her dissappearance

All anger pented up on me as I saw him walking through the pedestrian himself and night time .

I was drunk that time and when I saw him


His body flied and rolled off and hit his head on a rock nearby

I was terrified of what I did so
I immediately goes up and picked him rushing him to the hospital

Saying to the doctor "Please save him."

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