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Ryujin's Pov
I heard a shuffling beside me
I opened my eyes to see Karina unnie holding a gung pointing at at her head.

I then snapped out from my sleep

I then tried to stop her by getting the gun out of her hands
She then shoots it and the roof of the chopper now have a hole


All of my companion woke up

Karina: Don't stop me Ryujin.
I can't live now.. You now!
Without my other half it's better be dead .
She said as she points the gun in her head again

"Unnie..ha..hajima.. please."
I said pleading to her

Ningning: Unnie.. bring that down please..

Heesung: Yah Karina.. She sacrificed for us to live so please live in in the remembrance of her..

Karina then slowly brings the gun down

Yeji: Unnie she loves you so please.. you know that she can't forgive yourself if you're dead

Mina: She love you karina and she said that to me.

Jay then got the gun out off her hands as she broke down again

Karina: No.. I..I'm really sorry.. I'm really sorry
I wasn't thinking straightly..

Yuna: Don't unnie she promised she'll be after us right?

Karina was enlightened now as shes calms down again..

I noticed we're long up here in the air now
" Giselle.. how many hours are there left?"
I asked here

Giselle: 7 hrs more guys..

"Let us live Giselle."

Giselle: Sure I am Minjeong will kill me if I wouldn't

We then all started to get silent again.

Giselle: Mina.. Kindly contact the Camp military of Usa now so that we'll be informed

Mina: Mm..
Mina also knew things about this.
She's really talented you know?

I slept again

Hours passed

Giselle's Pov
I didn't expect Minjeong to do that actually

We are at USA now.. Mina is assisting me where to go and land

Mina: Sarge. we're landing right now..
On the other line

"We'll be here "

Mina: Giselle prepare for landing

I then slow down the chopper as we slowly get down

Lia: Ahh.. we're here now?

Mina : Guys we're landing prepare yourselves

All of them woke up and we landed successfully
Soldiers came to us to assist us
Media is swarming at us

Headline: This People from Seoul South Korea
Landed successfully here at USA Military camp now.

We'll be getting an interview soon - Reporter
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We were taken by the soldiers inside a building.

Here our wounds treated and we we're treated right.
We have our own bed and we are in the same ward.

I looked outside
"Minjeong-ah we safely landed" I whispered

I then search something on my pocket to see a letter from her

Giselle-ah I know You wouldnt let yourself be one of those ugly creatures. Cherish your relationship with Your playful Ningning while
I may be here with you or I may be there left behind. The Giselle being a bitch when you see a zombie and become softy with NingNing.
This is the Giselle that I know.. Thanks for being with me :)

I didn't notice that I was tearing up already and turn my back to see them

"Guys..? Can you check your pockets?
Minjeong may have been ..Said her last words to it."

All of them started to search for it immediately and they start reading it
All of us are  crying right now

I looked up in the sky having high hope.

" Minjeong-ah you'll coming after us right?"

Minjeong's Pov

I think it's effecting me now


I passed out

---------------------The End----------------------

This is the end of this season
I hope you'll be with me unto the next season

Thank you really for reading this story and I hope I served you well?

See yah the soonest


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