Chapter 15

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Minjeong's Pov
I woke up cuddling with Jimin

"Baby..wake up"
I said with a raspy voice

Karina: "Mm... You're getting hard again baby"
She said sleepy

I then pulled it out

Karina whined due to it.

I chuckled and stood up
"Don't worry baby.. we'll do it more in the future.."

Karina: Is there?

" oh don't say that baby.."
I said as I kissed her forehead and going straight to the bathroom
" Don't you want to get destroyed?"
I said teasing her

Karina: Aishh

I took a shower and changed my clothes.

Karina then took over to shower.

" Baby.. I'll be going down"
I said

Karina: ok!

I then closed the door and got down only to see Yuna and Lia eating each's other face early in the morning

"ehem!" I fakely coughed

Lia: Oh Minjeong didn't see you there..
Lia said suprised and panting

"What's for breakfast?"

Yuna: Oh Mina unnie prepared something..

I then go to the kitchen and saw her cooking

"Morning.. What are you preparing?"
I said curiously

Mina: Oh chocolate crepe

"Mm..sounds delicious... Uhm I'll gonna leave you here to check up on others."

Mina: M'kay

I then go at the backyard to see Heesung and Jay doing something with the wine bottle we drank the other night

"Hey guys What are you doing?"

Hessung: Uhm..we found liquid there and we're making a molotov cocktail


Jay: Let me try
He light up the cloth attached to the bottle amd throw it.

Jay: Yah it works! Amazing!

Jungwon: Yah guys!
Voice coming from the basement
Jungwon: I think we can defend ourselves now come check it out

We then go to him to see the basement have baseball set equipments.

Heesung: Atleast this will save us for a moment..
He said as he picks up a baseball bat and swung it

Jay: Yeah.. As he picks up a baseball

Jungwon: How can you save yourself with that?

Jay: Baby I'll hit them on the head

Jungwon: To get their attention and they'll feast on you after?

Jay: I'm joking..

Yuna then called us to have breakfast

We then all sat as usual I'm beside Karina

Giselle: Minjeong-ah what time we'll depart?

"Uhm 7pm when it starts to get dark for us also to have time to prepare ourselves."

Giselle: What do you mean prepare?

"Fighting those ugly creature you always says"

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