Chapter 13

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Minjeong's Pov

She's really infront of me
We stared at each other in the eyes

Karina: Baby..?
she asked me softly
and retured to reality

Ryujin: Uhm she's...Uhm what's your name miss?

"I..I'm Myoui mina" she said

Lia: uhm.. are..are you the famous ballerina of JYP??

Mina: I am..

Ryujin: not to ask rude bu..but are you really impregnated by The principal named J..Jyp there?

I then interjected..
"I'm sorry for my friends question by the way...
but how did you came here?"
I asked changing the topic

"U-uhm I'm actually with my friends but got separated from them because of a venomous spitting zombies we encountered along the way to the camp."
Mina said and looking at her right know she's really terrified

Giselle: Wa-wait a minute you said that there's a venomous spitting ugly creature out there?

"I am" Mina said clutching on her clothes

Yeji: So this basically meant that are those zombies evolving somehow?!

Ryujin: Yeah! (she stood up and raise her fingers to point upward)

Ryujin: Baby! You're really a genius!!
(she then hugged yeji)

Yuna: Yes unnie why are you so genius but have a really dumb girlfriend?

Ryujin: Aishh.. Shin Yunaaaa!

Ryujin then chase Yuna going upstairs

Ryujin: Open this f*cking door Yuna!
This is why you never get a girlfriend!!

Yuna: Yahh!!!
(she then opens the door and says)
Yuna: Don't ever mention that its Foul!!

They then rambled

Karina: Stop you two and please repect our visitor!

They then stopped and goes back to their postion before.

" Yeji might be right but I'm wondering if someone is also working the cure if ever there was." I said

Heesung; Mina..? You said mentioned a camp earlier right?

Mina: Yes it's a military camp where in they are waiting for survivors to go their after they depart her 3 days from now.

Ningning: What? why did we not know this?

Mina: That's the last we heard on the radio and they're enclosing Korea right now to prevent the spreading of the virus...

Giselle: F*ck I don't wanna stay here with those ugly creature.. If United states will gonna see my beauty then let's go

Ningning: Aish baby.. please!

Giselle: okay so what's the plan??

"Mina? can you lead us the way there?"
I said looking at her

Mina: mm.. okay We can go there But I think your car outside will make us die quickly

Jay: What do you mean?

Mina then stood up and
Mina: We can give your car a little bit make over ...

We then stepped outside to see the car

We then stepped outside to see the car

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