Chapter 12

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Short update btw

Karina's Pov
We all heard what Heesung said to us and
everyone wants an update of whats happening

Ryujin: Gosh! There's no signal here

Lia: No all the networks are taken down even this T.V. can't work

We are all in despair as we strive to know what's happeing outside now.

"I'm going to check up on Minjeong"
I said to them and they nodded

As I enter the bedroom
I saw this shelf that is open , leading to another room "Woah"
I'm curious as well and stepped in a room only to hear someone's sobbing
I walked closer to the table and saw her state

I quickly engulf her in hug
"Minjeong-ah who did this to you?"
I said and she clung unto me for her dear life as she snugged her head on my shoulder crying

I can feel my clothes soaking wet because of her tears

I then helped her to calm down..
She then started to have heavy breathes as
I looked at her she's staring to sleep

I carried her to our bed and lay her down

I then goes to the other room only to see pictures of Unknown people but 1thing caught my eyes was Lee Chaeryeong

I then looked at the journal of whoever this is and connected the dots

"S-o this is the mother of M-Minjeong..?"
I wonder
" They really look similar tho...but where is this Baekhyun?"

I then looked around to see a covered material and uncover it to saw a family portrait of Baekhyun and his second family

" Thi-s is really ...
I then looked at Sleeping Minjeong and put the cover back for her to unsee it.

I Then go down to see them on the sofa talking

Yuna: How's Minjeong unnie?
"Uhm she's sleeping.."

Jay: Honestly we can't stay here for long the consumables are also needed to refill

Jungwon: Is the tank of the bus full?

Heesung: No, but can travel to another province maybe.. 5 hrs..

I sat beside Ryujin listening to them

There's someone banging at the door loudly

Jay:Hey keep quiet
He whispered

"Help.. Please"
We heard a girl's voice behind the door
Heesung then stops at the door while we watched him

She's knocking again

Heesung then opened the door slowly

Then the gurl was stumbling and Heesung catched her
Then she black out

Heesung: Hey! Miss..?

"Lay her down here"
I said as I patt my side

He then lay her down while we staring at her standing

Yuna: Isn't it weird?
Jay: Yah uhm.. Check her body if there's a bite mark
(He pointed at us)
Ryujin : Why us?!

Jay: What? she a girl Ryujin

Yeji: Aish babe you're really dumb are you?

I then moved towards her to check her arms

" Boy's please go to your room for the moment"

They then stood up and goes to their room

"Yeji kindly help me clean her"
And others go and bring me water and towel for her to be cleaned

Then we removed her shirt and pantsBut not underwear of course

Looking at her she looks very dehydrated and dirty

I then took the towel and water on a basin to clean her with the assisstance of Yeji.

We've done it easily.

Same time the boys go down.

Heesung: Is there any signs? or bite or anything?

"No she doesn't have any but I cleaned some scratches and aided it.

Jay: Owh.. we have a certified doctor here
(He said while looking at the girl closely)

Jay:Her beauty is ethereal

Yuna: Yah Jungwon guard Jay now...He might do something with a poor gurl
(she laughed)

Jungwon then dragged Jay with him going to their room

Jungwon: Oh Goodmorning Minjeong
(He smiled devilishly while pulling Jay with him)

Minjeong's Pov
I woke up staring at the ceiling spacing out

I then remembered everything so I tried to get up and saw the clock

"4 pm" I whispered

I then go to the other room to fix everything.

I stumbled on a small box on the floor.
I got curious again getting ready to get hurt again.

I saw a PT test.. and it's samples
I got the paper out to see..
Lee Chaeyeon...... Successfully delivered a baby and named Lee Felix

I was schocked cause I thought she got aborted?

Then I saw a last piece of paper written
"Seoul adoption bldg."

"Huh?.. A-adoption?" I said

I then take the last paper and put it on my pocket

I then closed the hidden room and go out of the bedroom to see my friends

Jungwon then greeted me while getting annoyed

" What's wrong with them?"
I said as I'm goinng down the stairs

Karina: Oh.. You're awake..
(She then came to me and hugged me)

Ningning: Ehem! ... Please keep your hands off to yoursleves please..
She said as we released from the hug.

We then go to sit down But
I stopped on my tracks to see a familiar face looking at my being startled while she sat up

" M-mi..mina.."
I whisperd as she looked at me being silent also

Who's mina?

Sorry for adding a problem ti anither problem but yeah It's how my brain works I guess haha

Btw Thanks fir reading.

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