Chapter 1

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Amalia's POV

The night has always been mine safe place. It's darkness, chilly wind, shiny glowing starts, and it's companion moon, even after being all alone up there, it glows. Showing us that whenever any dark situation comes, we have to win the fight against it, and glow. Letting the world get jealous

Finishing another short chapter, I get down from balcony and get inside the room, closing the windows, preparing myself for another tough night. Oh well I guess I forgot to introduce myself! How stupid of me.. Hehehe anyway hi myself Amalia Johnson and I'm 16 years old. By the way I also know Johnson is not my real last name, it's of my step father's last name but since I don't have any information about my biological father, let's work with this only. So as I said I'm 16 years and I love reading or writing sometimes, but it doesn't mean I'm a nerd or something, I like to do many other activities as well which you might find it further in book anyway so right now I have to go and prepare dinner otherwise my drunken step father will again get another reason to beat me up, since mother dearest is not really in the picture. Anyway so getting inside the kitchen, I start with making bacon, mashed potatoes, and some baby corns, after setting up the dinner, I went straight to my room upstairs yes I don't live in some shitty basement despite being in abusive house.

As time passed, I thought Henry, my step father had dinner and went to sleep peacefully but nope! Luck was not on my side as I heard heavy foot steps begin ascending the stairs. It wasn't hard to tell they were of Henry's, and based on those aggressive steps, it seems like he wasn't on good mood. But again when is he in good mood? Oh I know, after torturing me!

I quickly got to my feet, feeling my breath hitched as soon as door opens.

Trigger warning ahead-->

"Why the stock of beer is finished!! You forgot to buy it. Don't you bitch?" He said stumbling, as he barged inside. I shudder in fear and tense every muscle of mine, trying my best not to show how scared I am.

"I'm sorry sir, I'll do it tomorrow positively!" I replied timidly. "Well! This calls for a punishment" He said and punched my stomach causing me to fell on my knees winded from sudden blow. Before I can register, another blow comes this time landing directly on my ribs. I whimper in pain as he continues hitting, I don't remember when I blanked out.

As I woke early in the morning, after lots of efforts, I pulled myself up in sitting position, taking deep breaths, preparing myself mentally and physically for another day to survive, I stood up from the ground, ignoring the throbbing pain in my whole body I took a quick shower, applied minimal make up, just to cover up my scars, wore long sleeves and got ready for the day.

After completing the usual morning routine of preparing breakfast for father, I collected my back pack and left for school which is a 20 mins walk from the house, although it was very painful to walk in such condition, I still made it on time.

After 10 mins of me entering in class, the bell rings indicating the start of class and with that, I started concentrating on dimensional geometry which I don't have any idea on how it'll make my life useful.

Finally! After hours of torture, the period ended indicating the recess and I pick up my bag and goes to my usual time spending room which is library, again I am not a nerd but I just like to spend some time here alone with my own thoughts so here I am, completing all the homework and also having baby corns which I stole this morning from kitchen!

So the first chapter is out! Do tell in the comments how it was and... If you'll like the book then do vote and... Have a great day ahead<3

 Have a great day ahead<3💗

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