Chapter 8

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Amalia's POV

Earlier I thought it won't be so bad, going out with three giants. Oh how wrong I was, it's a disaster. Everyone is looking at us like a free show is going on display. These three gigantic humans look so serious with murderous eyes unlike home, glaring at every single boy glances our way. As we got into different stores.

"Where to first!?" asked Rocco excitedly. While I replied, "I don't know." I shrugged.

"You're a fun killer." He said playfully glaring.

"How about first let's get some clothes and then stationary?" Romeo suggested. "Fine." I muttered timidly not really in the mood to spend time in this mall. Soon we went to the clothing shop, and started shopping for clothes according to my taste, they were quite basics, tee shirts, hoodies, jeans, some party type dresses, few accessories, 2-3 pairs of shoes etc. We even went to Victoria's Secret where off course I only went as the boys were busy eye fucking the girls out of shop, also quite embarrassed to enter there. Meanwhile Romeo got me all sort of stationary I needed for school.

After the stationary, they dragged me to the electronics shop and even after me denying every single time, they still bought me many expensive stuff, a macbook, a smart apple watch etc, and finally after lots of pleading we're now in food court because I'm literally done for the day moreover the pain in my ribs and abdomen seems to have increased due to which I'm now having problem to keep up with them.

"You fine? You look like you'll faint any moment!" Said Dante while I rested my head on table as Rocco went with Romeo to order something for us. "Yup! I'm all good, just really tired to even walk now." I informed and soon spotted Romeo coming with Rocco while whispering something hmm suspicious!

Suddenly I feel uneasy and weird as if someone is eyeing us, looking around to search for the intruder I noticed there's no one as the whole place is quite crowdy but the feeling's still there.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as Romeo gave me a some fries along with a cupcake as I refused for the burger since my appetite is not really good right now. I started munching on crispy fries devouring the spicy taste when suddenly I was yanked and pushed under the table.

I heard lots of screaming and gun shots firing. It took a moment for me to realized that we're under attack. The surrounding, it's so real, so familiar! All the glass scattering, gun shots and the shouting, it's all making me remember those events which I've been trying to forget since ages. But now is not the time to have flashbacks.

"Inform leo about the attack and also ask for backup!" Ordered Romeo. While Dante gained my attention," I want you to stay under the table Lia, you understood?" He asked while I hardly nodded unable to form any words.

What felt like ages after lot of blood sheds and me praying for my brothers to be safe without any harm, finally all the chaos came to hault as more guards of leo came and the situation got under control. Eventually, Rocco pulled me up and Romeo came and hugged me tightly," Kiddo, you okay? I hope you aren't hurt anywhere. Are you? I'm sorry you had to see all that. You fine?" Asked Romeo Worriedly while I muttered," Ye-yeah I'm glad you guys are safe." I replied, my voice hoarse as the passing second I felt more weak and the exhaustion taking over me.

"Kiddo, you look very pale and your breathing is also uneven. Are you sure you're okay?" He again asked while I just nodded not having any energy. "Alright then let's get home, Leo ordered us to get back soon." Roméo said and threw the car keys to Dante ordering him to drive while he went to pick me up. I yelped when I felt his hands on my stomach and ribs.

"Sorry cara." He apologized but I was far away to concentrate on anything as soon black dots appeared in front of my eyes as I let the blackness elope me in it.
                           Hey there!!

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Till the next update, hope you guys have great day ahead<3

 Till the next update, hope you guys have great day ahead<3💗

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