Chapter 4

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Amelia's POV

As I was having my peaceful beauty sleep, someone decided to break it by shaking me. I swear that person has no patience, while opening my eyes I noticed the officer was the one who broke my precious sleep but anyway he informed me, my brothers are here waiting for me, so being a good kid which I am, decided to just go with the flow. While taking a deep breath, hoping this better be a good start of my new journey. I went in the waiting room, there I saw 2 huge males, one looks like around 6'7 and other maybe around 6'5 but what do these people do to have such a giant figure!! After noticing us, they both stood and came forward whereas Mr. Officer took his leave to give us some alone siblings time. 

I turned and looked at my brothers, noticing one with love, affection in his eyes with a small smile on his lips, while the other one with hands in his pocket, stonic face but his eyes show fondness. Maybe living with my brothers won't be so bad. The one with small smile comes forward and next moment I knew I was in his arms as he hugged me, not too tight but still enough to remind the pain of my body.

"Amalia, I'm your second oldest brother Lorenzo and he is our oldest brother Leonardo." Lorenzo said while pointing at the second giant behind him.

"Hello! Nice to meet you both." I said smiling politely. "Alright so as the introduction is done, let's go to home piccolo." [Little one] Although I didn't understood what Lorenzo called me but eh let's get out from this suffocating environment, thinking this I nodded and we three started moving to the entrance since all adoption and paper work was done.

After coming outside, the moment we reached their car, I knew they have lots of richness in their bank account. Leonardo sat on drivers seat and Lorenzo on passenger seat while me on back, "Leonardo, can we first go to my house? I've to pick my belongings since I was in school whole day." I said meekly. "Sure sorellina I was about to ask the address." [Little sister] He said. After giving him the address I sat quietly in back, gazing at all buildings passing by.

As we reach, they both were about to come but I denied since I'm going to be quick. By the way our house do look like a nice middle class house so they as well didn't doubt about anything. I quickly went upstairs opened a big suitcase which I took from sir's room, putting all of my clothes inside which consist of few underwears, five hoodies, two jeans and three sweatpants. Packing up whole stuff, changing myself into casual wears. I went down stairs and locking the door I have the suitcase to Lorenzo who picked up whole damn heavy suitcase with ease and put it in the back of car, soon enough we were on our way to the airport.

Instead of driving in the normal route, Leonardo went towards the private planes, I sat there confused until I saw a fucking jet.

Instead of driving in the normal route, Leonardo went towards the private planes, I sat there confused until I saw a fucking jet

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The car came to hault as Lorenzo stepped out and came to my side opening the door for me, I stepped out thanking him and stand beside Leonardo while still gazing at the jet, "Aren't we supposed to be at public airport?" I asked Leo.

"No cara, we own private plane and we'll be going to fly with this jet only." [Dear] He replied while I stood there just processing how much richness might be there in their bank accounts, "Come priziosa, let's get inside." [Precious] Said Leonardo while stiffly nodding at pilot and getting inside, me behind him just exploring the jet.

After settling down and getting comfortable on these luxurious seats, I starts the flow of my thoughts and just pray to heaven that let this journey of my new life better be good than my previous life, because in my previous life, all I've learned...

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After settling down and getting comfortable on these luxurious seats, I starts the flow of my thoughts and just pray to heaven that let this journey of my new life better be good than my previous life, because in my previous life, all I've learned is how to survive in extreme pain, making it my companion so the least I could do is live with it. But seems like things are going to change now. Eventually deep in such thoughts, I never knew when sleep consumed me.


So another chapter is also out, do vote if you're liking the story so far and let me know if there's something missing or you wanna add up. So till the next update, have a great day ahead<3

 So till the next update, have a great day ahead<3💗                          

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