Chapter 10

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Antonio's POV

Honestly I don't mean whatever crap I spoke earlier, I know all my brothers were not so shocked as they know about my anger issues but what they didn't expected was me blaming our sister for something our mother did.

I know everything, the day when Leonardo informed everyone about our sister returning home, I started my checking all the data of those previous years, and came to know about the whole truth, how that women kidnapped lia, and flew away.

I never really wanted to play the shitty brother, but I was just scared thinking she'll again disappear if I'll get close to her, I've been ignoring her, or calling her names or some crappy remarks about her.

Romeo, Rocco and Dante don't have much memories with her as they were really small but I still remember that terrifying night, that women ruined our family. I still remember how our dad used to do favoritism and lia being the mischievous kid, getting away every single time after doing some shit.

I accept I was little jealous earlier that mom chose her over us but later I understood that it would've been much better if she went alone instead of taking our heart with her.

When I got to know about the attack, all I could feel was fear, worry, uneasiness I was supposed to hate her and make her hate me, but it's being all opposite. I felt scared for my younger brothers, for my sister, for my sorella. My heart sunken in my chest, and I felt guilt wash over me which I definitely don't wanted. So I did what I do the best, shutting out everyone, making a big fuss about it, taking my frustration out in form of anger.

Because I knew, I couldn't do any other thing, I once failed her already, I don't want the past to get repeated.


Amalia's POV

After that whole mafia thing, soon enough dinner time came around and all sat on their respective seats and started the dinner but today it feels different, today Antonio isn't glaring at me. I mean not talking as well but no incoerente words, no mean glare, it feels kinda weird but uh anyway focusing on finishing up the tasty lasagna made by the great chef Lorenzo Rossi!

By the time I finished my plate, these people were having third plate, as I was finished I leaned back on my chair waiting for everyone to get finished so I can leave but suddenly Lorenzo noticed this and spoke loudly, "What happened piccolo? Have some more, that was very little portion you ate." He said gaining literally every single person's attention on us. But I quickly replied," No no Enzo I'm really ful, moreover I don't really have much appetite" I informed while he looked sad mumbling it to himself that he need to work on my eating habits but I heard him as I was sitting little close to his side.

Soon everyone finished with their dinner and started heading towards their own bedroom while I headed to mine. After having a nice warm bath inside the fancy bathroom, changing into comfy, cozy clothes I sat on the bed and started writing since it's been quite long, I wrote anything or updated. Another reason to not sleep right now is because I'm afraid I'll sleep and wake in the middle of night, screaming my lungs out waking up whole family in the process so it's better if I sleep late.

Finishing up few more chapters, I checked the time and it was past midnight so deciding I'll continue the rest later, I layed on the bed without any painkiller as surprisingly my injuries have started healing, not fastly but they are which is a good thing. Later I didn't realized how much time went, just before getting into deep slumber I heard my bedroom door open and felt a soft kiss on my forehead along with someone mumbling Mi dispiace, farfalla and then I fell into peaceful sleep with a small smile on my face. Because even in my sleep, I could recognize Toni's voice.
[I'm sorry, butterfly]

                                  Hey there!!

Sorry for the short update!!

Will give the next update soon.

Hope, you're enjoying the chapter.

Hope you guys have a great day ahead<3

Hope you guys have a great day ahead<3💗

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