Chapter 11

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Amalia's POV

Someone said, a new morning brings a new hope, to rise and shine like a star but unfortunately mine brings problems to fight which on positive side helps me to become strong. Soon my morning came as well, surprisingly without any nightmare to which I have no idea how it happened.

Since I was on my bed, in light sleep. I heard someone entering the room quite slowly but then squeaking loudly as if saw some cute raccoon. "Fuck!! Isn't she the cutest creature." Exclaimed a very enthusiastic voice which belongs to none other than my high on sugar brother, Rocco!

Suddenly a smacking sound resonates the whole room along with a whining voice, just then the covers were ripped away and I was jerked away from my beautiful sleep. Glaring at Romeo who decided to ruin my warm, cozy comfort, who in return shrugged like he didn't woke me up.

"Good morning Lia!" Rocco's chirpy voice makes me stare at him, wondering how can someone be happy in the damn morning.

"Come on fiore, everyone is waiting downstairs for you for breakfast." Romeo says gaining my attention. Since he was being serious so I couldn't refuse so I just nodded climbed out of the bed and made my way towards the bathroom.

Stepping inside the shower and putting the moderate temperature, I felt myself getting relaxed. Since today I'm in the mood of self-care, I took a good amount of rich fragrance shampoo, applying it fully on my long dark brown hair, washing it off and conditioning it in same way. Soon enough I was done with my shower so I stepped out of it, grabbing a towel and drying up my wet, water dripping hair. I made my way towards the walk in closet, changing into a sundress, along with an hand jewelry.

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It's almost eight when I made my way down towards the dining

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It's almost eight when I made my way down towards the dining. "Morning everyone!" I wished everyone with a smile to which everyone replied except Antonio but I noticed him giving a very small nod while starring at his plate. Hmm, progress?

Soon everyone engaged in some conversations among themselves while I was concentrating on my tasty croissant, just then I heard a throat clearing voice of Leo, "stella, since Romeo, Rocco, and Dante have school today and I as well have some work so you'll be by yourself and if you need anything you can find Enzo, I'll be home by lunch. Oh and one more thing, tomorrow you have school." Me and studies definitely don't go well. just then Leo informed me that he already ordered my school uniform, which caused me to groan while others laughed at my obvious displeasure which was evident from the scowl that formed on my face at the mention of school.

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