Chapter 16

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Amelia's Pov

Waking up from such a dreadful nightmare isn't something I was looking forward to, but anyways I opened my moist eyes while blinking them rapidly to prevent the tears from falling.

I glanced at the clock and it's 5:00 am, since I don't think I'm going to get any more sleep. I got out of bed and began my morning routine, getting ready for the day as I brushed up my teeth with my favorite strawberry flavoured toothpaste, hopping in the shower and washing my body thoroughly along with my hair with lavender scented essential since it's one of my favorites.

Hopping out of the shower, I started blow Drying my hair I then Pulled on my uniform and got ready for the day.

Now, since I still have two hours left for school. I thought to give Enzo a break and started preparing some yummy breakfast for everyone.

After thinking a lot, I ended up making some croissants, pancakes, Overall a yummy combo of healthy and tasty goodie.

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After cooking for more than an hour, Enzo came into the kitchen looking surprised at the sight in front of him

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After cooking for more than an hour, Enzo came into the kitchen looking surprised at the sight in front of him. He cocked his eyebrows upwards as the silent gesture of what I was doing this early in the morning.

Just then I heard heavy footsteps, and there entered Leo the great. He glanced at the table filled with our morning meal, staring at Enzo briefly as if having a silent conversation before meeting my eyes.

"Morning stella, what you doing this early in the morning?" He questioned while eyeing the dining.

"Good morning leo!! I got up quite early today, so thought why not to prepare breakfast for everyone." I spoke while giving a soft Smile, causing him to give one of his own.

Just then Rocco, Dante and Romeo entered along with Toni trailing behind them with his usual frown.

"Woah!! I knew I was smelling something appetizing." Exclaimed Rocco while taking a seat and drooling at the sight of him making me chuckle, as I took my seat.

"Guys! Today Amalia prepared breakfast for all of us, let's try this delightful food." Enzo informed while himself taking a seat and serving.

Hearing Enzo, Romeo looked at me with surprise, "huh? Didn't knew you can cook kiddo, though it looks amazing. I'm sure it would taste amazing as well." He said while filling his own plate, followed by everyone.

Leo was the first one to eat, he took a bite of the pancake, chewing it steadily. Slowly his eyes widen and lips twiched upwards as he looked at me with surprise in his eyes, "it's delicious stella." He complemented.

Soon everyone dug into their plate, I as well started having my own breakfast.

Everyone was impressed, "Damn! It's amazing angel, I would say you should cook more often." Dante said impressed, making me smile at him.

Everyone was enjoying the breakfast, even Toni who finished his second plate. Everyone was enjoying the breakfast, even Toni who finished his second plate.

"How you learnt cooking such tasty food kiddo?" I heard Rom asking, making me look at him with a small smile, "I sometimes used to cook meals for myself, when my step father used to go on business trips and no one was home so I cooked." I spoke in a soft voice, trying to be less suspicious under my brothers intense gaze.

I can't let them know the reality, about how I was asked to prepare the meals on regular basis as it was one of the rule.

After the whole breakfast session, I went upstairs to prepare my school bag for the long day ahead as Romeo, Rocco and Dante got ready.

Soon, we reached the garage and again the same bickering about which car to take. After a whole 7.9 minutes we all settled in Lamborghini and took off to the private torture building, aka the school.


                                       Hello everyone!!

I hope you all are doing well!

Firstly, I would like to apologize for the update after so long.

Secondly, thank you so much for all the votes, comments and to all my followers, for supporting me and for all those positive wishes which you all send. It really made my day, thank you so much guys!!

Thirdly how was the chapter? 

Though, the next update won't be frequent but also it won't be this long.

So till the next update, take care everyone!

So till the next update, take care everyone! 💗

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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