Chapter 9

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Third Person's POV

As Amalia got unconscious due to the sudden shock and tiredness, her brothers quickly brought her home and placed her on bed while Lorenzo called their family doctor and soon her treatment finished successfully without anyone knowing her injuries as doctor informed them about her sudden blood pressure dropping and also the tiredness of her body.

Letting her rest upstairs her brothers went down stairs except Antonio who was already in the living room since the beginning," Why wasting time on an attention seeker like her? Instead of so much drama we can simply ask why she's so weak and wrap her up?" Antonio spoke making leo fume at anger for disrespecting his sister.

Leonardo has been controlling himself since quite long just because he don't want Amalia to see his this side but now Antonio has been crossing the line and this is what made leo loss the control over himself and he shouted at Antonio," What the fuck is your problem Antonio? Why can't you accept the simple fact that our long lost princess is home, living with us? Why you hate our sister so much that you literally call her name? I'm warning you Antonio, I'm controlling myself since very long but now! if you'll speak anything ill to her! I swear I'll lose control over myself. Why can't you get this in your head that she's your sister toni! WHY CAN'T YOU ACCEPT THIS FACT!!?" Yelled leo, pouring out all his confusion,emotions.

There was a moment of silence, everyone processing this while suddenly Antonio spoke," Wow! So firstly she stole my mom and now she's stealing my brother too!! I never knew what made mom chose her over us, over me but now I figured it out, it was that manipulative bitch's plan to get close to our mom and made her ran away leaving us in the darkness. I know it!!!" He spoke with hatred in his voice but his eyes show a different story, they're showing the vulnerability which soften Leonardo's hard stare but he's still in shock about all those wrong assumptions his brother made towards his sister.

Saying such hateful words, Antonio left the room angrily while all Rossi brothers were stunned due to the sudden scene. Then only leo received a call from a member of mafia Informing him about the attack which was placed in the mall. Younger Rossi's got little worried on seeing the change of expression from blank to angry. "Alright, make the arrangements." He spoke with authority.

"What happened Leo?" Asked a worried Enzo.

"The time has came." He said

In the evening, all Rossi brothers were present in living room having a grumpy Antonio, a worried Lorenzo, a blank Leonardo, confused and worried Dante, Romeo and Rocco. All discussing over the plan, just then door of living room opened revealing....

Amalia's POV

As soon as I woke, I noticed that I was in my room, on my confy bed, feeling a lot better than usual but since my bladder was about to bust, I rushed into the bathroom did my business, put my hair into a messy yet cute bun ,washed my tear stained face and after a lil. Prep talk I plaster a smile on my face and stepped out of the room.

There were heavy noises coming from the living room. It looks like an argument! Should I eavesdrop? Might be little helpful in getting the information out of them as to why we we're attacked in the middle of our brother-sister bonding time.

As I made it down to the living room, the men spread out everywhere. Damn! My dad was really busy with my mom. Suddenly, Enzo's eyes snapped to where I was and we made eye contact, him silently commanding at me as if to ask what the hell am I doing here down stairs instead of resting in my own room.

"Come Amalia, sit we have some things to discuss." I heard Leo's voice asking me to sit on a separate couch just in front of him. I nodded completely forgetting about the verbal answering rule, I sat and just then noticed the serious environment and the thick tension which could easily be teared just by my hands. Anyways focusing on main topic.

"Amalia, you remember when you asked me about the business we do? I answered you that time we own lots of building! Technically I didn't lied as it's our legal business. We have an illegal business, more specifically a mafia, we Rossi's own the Italian mafia and I'm the capo aka the boss of the Italian mafia, while Lorenzo is the second in command and you are the Italian mafia princess. Your younger brothers are not really into the business and it's totally your choice if you want to be a part of it or not. Whatever your decision will be, I'll respect it." He explained calmly letting me process each and every word of his.

I bet I must be reassembling the clown, eyes wide open, mouth hanging down, slowly blinking, I started," Damn! I was suspicious on you guys since very long and I did had little bit of idea but mafia! Wow um well what do I say? I will always pray for you and your brothers to be safe in this line of work, by the way why you didn't informed me about it previously?" I asked while him looking at me in disbelief," I wasn't really sure that time to inform you but due to the sudden attack in mall, made me tell you. That attack was for your brothers since no one outside the family have the information of you being back." He told me.

Further he added," Since I can see, you're taking the information really well and not hyping up like some monkey! I'll leave you to get more comfortable with all the new knowledge around us." Saying this he went upstairs while I sat in the same position looking at my rest of the brothers.

Soon Antonio also left muttering some incoerente words while Lorenzo," You good sugar?" He asked while me looking at him like he's grown two heads," How can a second in command be so caring? Soft spoken? Antonio really needs to learn a lot from you." I mumbled making a thinking face while everyone started laughing at this.

Their laughing made me smile as well, I love being a part of this family. I love being here. I love my brothers despite one being a pain in ass. I love them.


                               Hey there!!

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Till the next update, hope you guys have a great day ahead<3

 Till the next update, hope you guys have a great day ahead<3💗

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