Chapter 6

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Amalia's POV

Know the feeling? Where all you feel tired and just want to leave the present and create your own imaginary world where you live in peace but soon reality hits you really hard and you're once again in the present, struggling each moment to not give up and just keep going. That was all I felt but as said nightmares are only for some moments of time, I felt it.

Since the nightmare of my step father has started fading and new rise of my hopefully new future along with my brothers, my family has started coming, I can't predict the future but I do have this feeling that this life of mine is going to be far better than my previous one.

As I was still lying on the huge bed, my chain of deep thoughts got broken by a sudden knock. I sat properly and asked the person to come in. Lorenzo poked his head inside the room and informed that dinner is ready, he's waiting outside the room so we both can go together.

Hearing this I ran into the bathroom, took a painkiller cuz my body feels like it's on fire, did my business, changed clothes and quickly came out and told him I'm ready.

With that, we both went downstairs with his hand on my shoulder and me maintaining my steps to not show him my clumsiness. After reaching the dining room which is way far bigger than our whole living room in the previous house of mine, I sat on Leonardo's right and Rocco's left.

There's a new face which I'm guessing is Antonio, rest everyone is present over here, soon enough maids starts bringing food is so much quantity that I starts questioning myself how everyone will finish up so much food.

Soon the dinner was arranged, but since I couldn't finish up the whole amount of food served on my plate, I took a spare plate and picked a waffle and 2 sandwiches and started eating. As soon as I finished my dinner, Leonardo started," So Amalia, let's discuss some rules and joining of your school. Hmm?"

Rules? Seriously bro?

I simply nodded my head to which he sigh and said, "Firstly I expect a verbal answer." Well it's gonna be hard but let's try.

"Secondly, I want you to respect your elders and it will go vice versa to us too. No back talking or cursing." Damn, respect and back talk rule is fine but cursing? How the fuck am I going to stop it? But ehh I'll definitely try not to curse in front of them.

"Thirdly, if you've to go somewhere you have to inform me first and you will not go anywhere alone, it'll be either your brothers or guards but definitely not alone. It's not about controlling, just for security purpose since we have lots of enemies so precautions are must." He carried on.

"Fourthly, no alcohol, no drugs, no boyfriends, male friends are okay but no relationship. Understood?" He asked. "Yes I understood" I answered confidently.

"Lastly I have few expectations from you which is to keep your grades up in school. You'll be joining the private school along with Romeo, Rocco and Dante. Any Questions?" He asked.

"Yes I have few questions to ask" I answered. "Go ahead, I'll answer as many as I can." He told.

"Why you guys weren't with us when mom was alive? Also why I never knew that I had brothers until yesterday? Why I was in custody of my step father when you were out there?" I asked all those questions whose answer only Leonardo can give.

As I finished I noticed Antonio got up and left the room while Leonardo said, "don't mind him principessa, he's just being grumpy as usual and to answer your question, lia, when you were of just few months old, our mother took you and left just with a note that you won't be safe with us. Trust me bambina, we tried really hard to find you but there wasn't a single trace of you and till the date we were searching for you until I got a call yesterday about you and everything." He answered with utter most sincerity.

"Um okay, may I know about our father?" I asked hesitantly. "He died 5 years ago, and he used to love you a lot when you were born, you used to be his favorite. Said Leonardo softly as if he was relishing the memories. My dad loved me, I wish I could meet him.

" Um what do you do in work, since you told about all security, enemies, guards?" I asked again. On this question literally, each and every brother of mine got stiff having a eye to eye contact with each other, except Leonardo looks like he was expecting me to ask this question having.

"I'm a businessman, we own restaurants, hotels, clubs, and many such buildings in short words lia, we're successfull but success brings jealousy, enemies and security. I hope you've got your answers by now?" He asks confidently.

"Yup, I'm all done with my interrogation so can I take my leave as I'm done with my dinner?" I asked with a cheeky smile. He nods his head granting the permission. I went to my room Processing all the information, sitting on bed and starts writing since I haven't wrote anything from quite a long time.

Suddenly I heard heavy footsteps saw the door being opened magically, if it wouldn't be the lights, I might've thought it's some ghost. In came, the mama bear aka Lorenzo Rossi. As he saw me awake he asks, "aren't you sleepy tesoro?" [Treasure] "I was just about to hit the bed before you came." I replied truthfully.

"Oh okay then Good night cara,and we're happy to have you back." [Dear]

"Good night Lorenzo, I'm glad to be home." Because I'm truly glad to be here, away from my past demons, living in a happy present.


                      Hey there!!!
Happy diwali everyone ✨
On such an auspicious day, another chapter is also out, hope you like the chapter.
Have a great day ahead<3

 Have a great day ahead<3💗

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