Chapter: two

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Hayden PoV

After I finished the with the problem about how I want more people from the Isla to come over here like we did. I then walk over to Mal's and Evie room with my arms behind my back as I watch everyone walk by me as I got out side Evie and Mal's room I see Evie and Doug talking.

'I've been doing the numbers.' As he tips on his computer.

'Yeah' as Evie looks at her work.

'And after we collect from the girls for their gowns, and chads cape...' as he stops tipping Evie look at the computer and gasps. So I walk over behind them.

'No wonder people work. What am I gonna do with all this money?' As she looks at how much money she got.

'You couldn't give some of that to me' as they both jump up and looks at me.

'What I'm here because Evie wants to make my outfit Doug.' As I look at them both with a smirk because I know that they like each other because they told me.

'Let's not give it to Hayden. But I think in the next few years, you could buy that castle you always wanted which it right next to the castle Hayden wants. With the dragon pit.' As Doug puts his hand over Evie's hand.

'That way you wouldn't need a prince' as he looks at her.

'Your right, I don't. Because I have you.' As she put her other hand on his.

'Uh, god you two are making me feel lonely man. Come on Evie do you want to make my outfit or what.' As I look at then both with a smirk as Evie starts to do my outfit which look like this with a black blazer with chains on its back.

' As I look at then both with a smirk as Evie starts to do my outfit which look like this with a black blazer with chains on its back

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As I look at my self in Evie mirror I smirk.

'Know don't you look like a man' Evie said to me as she was standing behind me.

'Now all that outfit needs is your sword, pin and your crown and your done' so I then walk into her bathroom and put the clothes I had on before and gave my new clothes to Evie and she put them in a bag and gave it to me.

'Thx E' as I walk over and hug her and left her and Doug alone and walk to my room and put my outfit away so I walk out my room to watch the boys do their training. Then some one else jumps in and fights jay and win. But then they took of their mask and to see who it was.

'It's Lonnie. Whoo!' As I walk over to the front as people bow there heads at me and I did the same.

'Not bad.' Jay said as he looks at her.

'You should put me on the team' and in my head I agree with her as her mother is mulan so she should go on the team.' As she look at jay he smiles and shrugs his shoulders then chad walk over to them.

'What? No, no, no. We'll be the laughing stock of the league. And what's gonna happen next? We'll have girls playing tourney. Come on, guys.' As chad looks around at the boys.

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