Chapter: four

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Hayden's PoV

As both Gil and Harry look at me they both smile.

'My god what are you doing here with Ben I thought you were with Mal' as Harry let's go of Ben and walks over to me and puts both of his hands around my neck as he smiles at me.

'Well Ben is my bother Harry. But dose Uma want Ben for something' as I look at Harry in the eyes and smirk as i then turn to look at Gil and Ben.

'Hello Gil' as I smirk at him.

'Hayden. Is so good to see you again captain' he said as I chuckled.

'Captain, Hayden your a captain' Ben said as he looks at me and I nodded.

'Yeah what else did you think I did when I was on the isle' as I look back at Harry as he slowly tried to pet Drogon and it works then he look at me and smiled and I smiled back.

'But does Uma want with Ben' and I ask Gil and me and Harry are to lost into each other eyes.

'Oh yeah just to get back at Mal' Gil said as i then forced myself to look at gil as Harry then puts his head in my chest as I'm a bit taller then him.

'Well how about I come with you just so you lot doesn't do anything to my bother and Harry you go tell them yeah' as I tried to get away from Harry but he wasn't going to let go so I whisper in his ear.

'Harry, love if you go tell them I will let you follow me around and maybe let you sit on my lap how about that love' as I moved to look at him to see his face and it had a big smile and nodded and let go to tell them. So I walk over to Gil and and help Ben up as we both walk to the fish and chips shop.

'So that's Harry' Ben said as he looks as me as I looked forward trying to to blush.

'Yeah, Ben that is Harry' as I smirk at Gil as he steal something.

'But why do you like him for.' As he looks at me.

'Look Ben I have been with him when he needed me but when I was over there I wasn't there to help him but now that I'm back I can help him. But now that I think about it all my life I have needed Harry and he and needed me but I didn't know how to show it.' As I look at Ben to see that he has a smile.

'Well I'm glad you found a person like when I found Mal. But I don't know about that anymore' as he looks down.

'She still love you Ben, but she thinks that to keep you safe that she need to be out of your life like I thought the same but I now know that if I leave your life you would be broken same with Mal but she has not thought that now has she' as we then both laughed but then I stopped. And look at the fish and chips shop.

'Come on captain Uma and the gang can not wait to see you' Gil said as he had the biggest smile on his face as i then checked my bag to see if it still had Astrids and Drogons eggs as my sword and pin and crown and I look at my children and Ben. Then I walk in as Gil holds Ben. To see my gang and Uma.

'So, after sometimes you all act like idiots and not listen to my orders' as I said that Uma and the gang look at me and I smirk.

'Look who come home' and I put my hands out and my child roars and the gang shouts in excitement.

'Hayden' Uma said as she run over to me and I laughed and hugged her.

'Oh it's good to see you' as me and Uma hug. But she lets go and looks at Gil.

'Gil put him in a room' Uma said as I look at her and grows.

'And don't hurt him' as Uma look at me and we both smirk.

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