Chapter: five

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Hayden PoV

As me, my children and Mal walk in to the hide out and explain what had happened will manly Mal.

'There is no way we're gonna give Uma the wand. We can't just let her destroy Auradon' Evie said to Mal as Mal walk back and forth while stand behind her with my arm behind my back as my children are on my shoulders.

'Uma doesn't get the wand then ben is toast' Carlos said as him and Jay look at each other.

'Guys' jay said as he looked at Carlos and Evie.

'Great, so we're going to give Uma, of all people, the wand.' Evie as and I growled at her and she looks and me and moths "sorry"

'Wait, guys. Your 3D printer' as Mal look at the boys and I nodded because it would be a smart idea.

'A phong wand.' Carlos pointed at Mal and smiled.

'Yes' as she smiled at them.

'In my sleep' Carlos said as he looked at me and I smiled and chuckled at him.

'Yes it a good idea, but the second she tests it she would know, just like I show her years ago' as they all look at me.

'Okay, so than we get Ben out really fast with the help of Hayden's children. But we need some kind of diversion.' As we all went quiet for a minute.

'Smoke bombs' jay said as Mal pointed at him.

'That's perfect, I'll get the chemicals I need from lady tremaine's place. That could work.' As Evie walk over to us.

'Oh and sick hair you two. Evil stepmom seriously stepped up her game.

'Okay, do you wanna know something?' But before mal could says it I said it.

'It was dizzy that did our hair Evie' as Mal looks at me and I chuckled.

'Little Dizzy? Shut up.' As Evie look at me and Mal.

'I know. I'm, like, loving it. It's like a lot lighter' Mal said to Evie as they talk about girl stuff.

'I'm really proud of her.' Evie said as Jay the clears his throat.

'Hello?' Carlos said to the as I shake my head at them.

'Right. Carlos, jay, you guys meet us at pirates bay, no later than noon. And you guys, losing, not an option. "Cause we're rotten.' As Mal wait for us lot to say it.

'To the core' then we all walk away as I am with the girls as we walk to Dizzy. As we walk in side we see Dizzy making a crown as I look Evie to see she is smiling.

'Shh' Evie said to us and we both nodded at her. As she walk over to Dizzy. As when we were all behind her Dizzy then turned around to look at Evie and me.

'Evie, your came back' as she then hug Evie then hug me.

'Hey, great to see you, too' Mal said as I look at her and we both laughed.

'Is it all just like we imagined? Do they really have closest you can walk into? Have you been to a real swimming pool? What does ice cream taste like?' Dizzy ask Evie all of those questions.

'It's cold and it's sweet. And if you eat it too fast, it gives you a headache.' Evie said to Dizzy and tap her head.

'Really?' Dizzy ask as she looks at me and I smiled and nodded. And my children copied me.

'Oh I saved your and haydens sketchbook for you two?' Dizzy said as both me and Evie look at each other.

'You did?' Both me and Evie said as Dizzy goes and gets the book then she put it on the table and Evie sat down while I stand behind her.

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