Chapter: six

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Three persons

As Mal and the gang meet up with Hayden's group as see them all on the boat and as they got to the middle to see Harry sat on Hayden throne that they have another one.

As Mal and the gang meet up with Hayden's group as see them all on the boat and as they got to the middle to see Harry sat on Hayden throne that they have another one

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As they started to sing put your sword up (sorry it would not let me put the song on)

But what they didn't know was that Hayden was watching it all. As the singing stop Mal goes to give her the wand.

'Hold up. Mmm. Too easy. Why don't you give it a test drive? We want to see it work.' Uma said to Mal as she look at her.

'You always were quite the drama queen.' Mal said as Carlos and Evie look at Carlos's dog.

'Oh, and nothing too big, or else Ben is fish bait.' Uma said as the pirates started to laugh.

'We're dead' Carlos said to Evie but then Evie whispered to Carlos as Mal turn to look at them. And nodded his head to the dog.

'Okay' as Mal looked at Dude.

'Although it seems absurd, turn your bark into a word.' Mal then wave the wand at the dog but it says nothing. So then Mal looks at me and smiles.

'Talk, dog' Mal said to dude.

'Does this vest make me look fat?' Dude said as everyone started to laugh as it "work" and Mal winks at him.

'Hey, does anyone have some bacon? Cookies?' Then Uma started to laugh and look at Mal.

'Give me the wand!' As Uma put her hand out.

'Give me Ben!' Mal said to Uma as she smiled then looks at Harry as he was looking around trying to find Hayden.

'Harry, bring him over' then Harry brought Ben over to Mal as Gil was talking to Ben.

'Oh tell your mom that Gaston say hi. And also tell your dad that my dad wishes he finished off your dad when he had the chance' Gil finished as Harry push Ben to Uma.

'Aw. Cut him loose, Harry.' Uma said as both Mal and Uma hands where reaching out for what they want.

'I never get to have any fun' Harry said as he sighs and cuts Ben loose. Then Ben grabs Mal's hand but Uma grabs his arm until Uma has a grip on the wand.

'Ben, go' Mal say to Ben as she try's to push him away. As the pirates are laughing and cheering.

'Okay, okay. By the power of the sea, tear it down and set us free!' Uma says while holding the wand as the rest of the pirates were cheering. Then Uma notices that nothing had happened so she look at Mal.

'No!' As she then snapped the wand apart.

'You do not get to win every time!' Uma said as she looked at Mal as she pushed Ben away as they then all started to fight as Hayden sneaked past them all and sits on his throne and watches. But when they all finished and all of Mal group got on the bridge to get out they all herd clapped as the all turn to see Hayden on his throne where a suit and his pin and his crown while holding his sword as three new baby dragons they have never see.

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