Part 1: Blue Justice

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In a dark city, a bank robbery was occurring. The alarms were ringing like bad and there was chaos at its finest. A woman shrieked as one of the robbers fired their gun and asked, "Who's gonna save us!?"

Suddenly, a blue blur sped through the doors and unfolded itself as our hero, Sonic the Hedgehog. He struck a heroic pose and said, "Have no fear! Your hero is here!"

"What the heck are you?!" a woman asked.

"Fear not, citizens. I am the hero you need and the hero you deserve. The blue dawn that banishes the darkest--HOLY CRAP!" Sonic was cut short by a bullet fired by him and he noticed the robbers still there.

He saw the robbers surrounding him and he gave off a confident smirk. "Pop quiz, hotshots: You just picked a fight with a hedgehog who's seen way too many action movies and recently saved the world from a psychotic goddess with a terrible haircut. What do you do? What do you do?"

Without wasting any time, Sonic sprang into action, attacking the robbers with his lightning-fast speed and impressive combat skills. He punched one of the robbers repeatedly and unleashed a spinning attack against another, taking them down in a matter of seconds. "Don't worry! Nobody's gonna get hurt."

As the battle continued, one of the robbers grew increasingly angry and threw a dynamite at Sonic. However, Sonic was able to dodge the explosive and it ended up blowing up a nearby trash can instead. With his quick reflexes and agility, Sonic continued to take out the remaining robbers with ease.

But just as the fight was coming to an end, Sonic noticed a bag of dynamite lying at his feet. He noticed it and didn't recognize them from the Bob-Ombs that he knew too well. "Huh. What are those?" Sonic asked.

"Bombs! Bombs! They're bombs! Those are bombs!" a well-dressed man exclaimed.

"Relax, they're not even lit! so I'll say again, nobody's gonna get--"

The dynamite sticks suddenly turned on as their fuses ignited. Sonic yelped and exclaimed, "Ahh! I was wrong! We're all gonna die!"

A little girl started crying in fear and Sonic was frantic to figure out what to do about the bombs. Sure, he anticipated robbers but he didn't expect them to come with bombs. He quickly took the bag with his hand. "Ahh, ohh. Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot! Not like a Fire Flower!"

"Why don't you let the police handle this?!" an elderly woman asked.

"'Cause the cops were already having trouble outside and you guys needed help!"

Sonic quickly threw all the dynamite sticks out a window. They all fell into a random garbage dumpster before they exploded, scattering its trash everywhere. Sonic sighed in relief and went back to his cocky self. "Thank you very much! Please hold your applause!"

Trash flew around the area outside and some of the hostages stood up. Also, without further warnings, a sizzling sound was heard by everyone and Sonic noticed his ears twitching.

"Do you hear that? There's one bomb left!" one of the women said.

"Uh...uh oh."

As Sonic swiftly moved through the bank, his eyes scanned for any sign of the last bomb that could cause a catastrophic explosion. The manager of the bank, who was frantically looking for the bomb, turned to a woman and pleaded, "Sandra, help him!"

Without wasting a second, Sandra sprang to her feet and rushed to Sonic's side. She could sense the urgency and importance of the situation. As she joined him in the search, Sonic checked every nook and cranny in the bank, from the safe to under the desks. Meanwhile, Sandra's high heels were clicking loudly as she ran around the place, trying to keep up with Sonic's pace.

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