Part 3: Wrath

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The heroes stood fearfully as Mephiles chuckled. Maria held onto her bag tight and Sonic said, "Look, we're here to see Solaris!"

"Quiet, hedgehog." Mephiles silenced him. "Solaris will be on leave for a while. Now, with the Seven Chaos Emeralds, Dr. Robotnik's intellect, and with you all here, I will unite with Iblis, the Flames of Disaster, and bring the end of the world!"

"Oh, no, you don't!" Sonic said. "I've already tackled a god before. I hope you're not as tough as that Titan this time."

Mephiles growled. "Such foolishness..." he then gave a sinister chuckle "...Very well, let's see if you can entertain me."

Suddenly, Mephiles unleashed a bullet-like barrage of purple shards that Sonic quickly dodged. Maria and McGregor quickly hid behind the table and Sonic prepared to attack the god.

Sonic's heart was pounding in his chest as he saw Mephiles in front of him. He knew he had to act quickly, so he dashed towards his enemy with all his might, curling into a ball and preparing to strike. But just as he was about to hit Mephiles, the villain pulled out a trick from his sleeve. A massive purple crystal-like wall materialized before him, blocking Sonic's path and causing him to yelp in surprise. Without a second thought, Sonic quickly dashed while still in the air, narrowly avoiding the obstacle and soaring past Mephiles.

"Ha!" Sonic used his homing attack move and struck Mephiles.

The god grinned and broke free from Sonic's grip, turning into a shadowy pool of darkness on the ground, surrounded by smog. The pool turned back into Mephiles and the dark god released a strike toward Sonic's head.

Sonic quickly slid across the floor and landed next to Maria and McGregor. Seeing Sonic injured, Maria quickly rushed to his side to help him. However, Mephiles appeared to be amused and unimpressed by Sonic's display of skill. He let out a scoff and remarked, "Child's play. I could say I'm disappointed. I thought you would give me a challenge, but you turned out to be just like any other mortal who has dared to contest me." His words were laced with arrogance and disdain, as he looked down upon Sonic and his companions.

As Mephiles stood before the trio, he lifted his hand and made a slow motion in the air. Suddenly, the ground began to tremble and numerous creatures emerged from the shadows. These creatures were unlike anything the trio had ever seen before. They bore a striking resemblance to Mephiles' own crystalline form but with a few key differences. Their heads were triangular, with a single menacing purple eye embedded in the center of their face. Each creature had two hands, each with long claw-like fingers that glinted in the dim light. The beasts prowled and hovered over the ground, their movements fluid and graceful, as if they had been waiting for this moment for a very long time.

Mephiles then showed seven colored gemstones that Sonic instantly recognized as the Seven Chaos Emeralds.

The god chuckled and said, "Now with the Seven Chaos Emeralds and Dr. Robotnik, I can use her intelligence and unleash Solaris' powers and destroy the galaxy."

"We won't...let you..." Sonic uttered.

"I will NEVER help someone destroy mankind!" Maria protested to Mephiles.

Mephiles suddenly grimaced at the heroes. "Oh, you continue to become a rabble?" he snapped his fingers and turned to the creatures. "Imprison them. Maybe then, they'll cooperate."

Later in the Prison

Sonic, Maria, and McGregor found themselves in a tight spot when they were suddenly thrown into a prison cell. The impact was so forceful that they stumbled and fell to the ground. As they tried to get back up, a shadowy figure that Mephiles summoned chuckled and floated away, leaving the area.

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