Chapter 10: Lost

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(Phantasm - Biddle3)

Fleetway chuckled and said, "LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE BONED NOW!!"

Mephiles chuckled and looked at Supreme. "Kill him," he ordered.

Supreme made some confirmation sounds and slowly walked forward. Suddenly, Fleetway dashed toward him with lightning speed and started attacking with ferocity. Fleetway unleashed a barrage of massive kicks and punches, moving at an incredible speed that was difficult to keep up with.

Supreme tried to defend himself by swiping at Fleetway, but the dark hedgehog easily parried the slashes and kept attacking with determination and savagery. Maria, who was watching the scene unfold with Tom and McGregor, was horrified to see Sonic's dark side come to the surface.

In a desperate attempt to stop Fleetway, Supreme commanded his two sentries to fire two giant purple beams, which collided with Fleetway's body, causing him to recoil. However, the dark hedgehog simply smirked and said, "Hehehe...You hit hard."

Fleetway then released beams from his eyes, which did significant damage to Supreme. Maria and the others watched in shock as the two powerful beings clashed, each determined to come out on top.

Within Sonic's Mindscape

Sonic groaned awake and kept kneeling on one of his knees. He turned his head around to see that he was in some blue void. He panted and looked around in fear.

 He panted and looked around in fear

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"What...Where am I?" Sonic asked.

He then suddenly saw himself and asked, "W-Who are you?"

"You know me..." the other Sonic appeared.

"You look at me..." another Sonic said.

"You hear me...." a third Sonic said.

Thousands of Sonics appeared and kept chanting things like "You look at me...You see me..." and then the first Sonic clone said, "But you don't know me."

"Oh, no..." the real Sonic uttered.

"You don't look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, LOOK AT ME!!"

"Oh, no, no..."

"LOOK! AT! ME!!!"

Back in the real world

During the fierce battle, Fleetway relentlessly attacked Supreme. Despite the Titan's best efforts to fend off the attack, Fleetway's powerful eye beams were proving to be a tough challenge. Supreme quickly reacted by using its massive hands to block the deadly beams. With the laser attack finally broken, Supreme seized the opportunity to summon its two sentries to its side. Together, they worked in perfect unison to conjure seven tetrahedron sentries. These sentries fired waves of yellow octahedral shots toward Fleetway, who had to quickly adapt to this new attack strategy.

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