Part 4: Wyvern

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Ares Island, one of the Starlight Islands

Sonic, Maria, Tom, and McGregor stood within the desert of Ares Island, gazing up at the starry night sky and taking in the rugged beauty of the desert island that surrounded them. Despite the late hour, Maria couldn't shake the feeling of the intense heat that radiated from the sandy terrain. The island's arid landscape was a patchwork of rocky ground and high, plateauing outcroppings, interspersed with long stretches of undulating, wind-swept dunes. Sparse patches of desert grass and hardy palm trees were the only signs of plant life, their deep green hues a striking contrast to the muted browns and tans of the surrounding terrain. The group took a moment to appreciate the stark beauty of their surroundings before continuing on their journey.

"Okay, this is Ares Island," Tom said. "We better get going."

"Right," Sonic said.

As the heroes made their way through the scorching desert, the sun beat down mercilessly on their skin. Maria, feeling the sweat trickling down her forehead, wiped it off with the back of her hand. On the other hand, Sonic was having a tough time coping with the heat. His breaths were labored, and he was panting heavily as they trudged on. Suddenly, he let out a loud groan and collapsed on the ground.

"UUUUGGHHHH...Sonic...out..." he moaned, his body giving up on him.

"Sonic!" McGregor walked over to him. "You need to pick up the dead weight or we'll have to ditch you in the desert!!"

"MCGREGOR!!" Maria shouted. "Don't be rude!"

"Yeah, but I do agree with McGregor." Tom sighed and looked down at Sonic. "When was the last time you were on a team?"

"A month...and six days?" Sonic moaned, his voice muffled by the sand.

As the group of four was walking along, they heard a sudden and deafening roar that made them all jump. Sonic, being the quickest of them all, immediately sprang back onto his feet and looked around to see what had caused the sound. That's when they all noticed that the blue sky had started glitching, showing signs of impending danger. And then, out of nowhere, a colossal robot dragon appeared before them, which McGregor instantly recognized as one of the Titans. This Titan, in particular, was named Wyvern, and it had a massive gray body that was thin in the middle, with pulsing red streaks running along its sides. It had two large arms that it could use to attack with, and two sets of jaws that could tear through anything that came in its way. Instead of legs, it had a long and powerful tail, which it used to balance itself and fly around. McGregor's voice was barely above a whisper when he muttered, "Oh, my God...It's Wyvern."

Sonic scanned the flying robot with shock on his face

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Sonic scanned the flying robot with shock on his face. He did know that this thing was different from Giganto design-wise but he still didn't know if there was anything about Wyvern's arsenal that was different.

"If we stay still..." Maria whispered.

Wyvern seemed to fly aimlessly in the sky but then noticed the four. It let loose an aggressive roar and shouted, "YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE!!! LEAVE THIS PLACE!!!!"

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