Part 5: Missile Control

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The morning

Maria slowly opened her eyes and found herself surrounded by Sonic, Tom, and McGregor, who were all wide awake. She noticed that Sonic was gazing at the campfire, where he was cooking something that smelled amazing. As she sat up, Sonic noticed her and greeted her with a cheerful "Oh, morning, Maria!"

Maria yawned and rubbed her eyes, feeling a bit disoriented from a deep sleep. She then stretched her arms and legs, hoping to shake off the sleepiness. As she looked at Sonic's makeshift pan, she saw the source of the delicious smell: some eggs were crackling over it, sizzling with perfection. Maria couldn't help but wonder where Sonic had found them.

"Good morning, Sonic," Maria said, feeling her stomach rumbling with hunger. "Where did you get those eggs?"

Sonic grinned mischievously and replied, "I found a bird when it came sunrise and it left its eggs in a nest, so...I just found these somewhere at sunrise." He then stood up, brushing off his hands. "Oh, I almost forgot!"

Sonic suddenly dashed out of sight, leaving Maria and the others puzzled. A moment later, he returned with a beautiful red rose in his hand, which he presented to Maria with a flourish. Maria blushed, feeling a mix of surprise and gratitude. "Oh...Thank you, Sonic. That's very sweet of you."

Sonic chuckled and said, "Okay, now that we've had a good breakfast and a romantic moment, we've just gotta find a way to stop Mephiles and get the Chaos Emeralds back." His tone turned serious, reminding everyone of the urgent mission they were on.

"Yeah. That Wyvern thing is not gonna stop hunting us if it sees us again. We have to find some way to make sure that the Titans get out of our hair." Tom said.

"There could be some defensive technique or machinery on this island." McGregor relied. "But that could be unlikely given how old these islands are and the fact that we are on a deserted island, so there could be the chance that there is no civilization here."

"There doesn't seem to be any harm in trying," Maria spoke out.

Sonic took a pair of binoculars from the Robotniks' bag and looked at them. He saw a unique-looking building and pointed out to it, saying, "I did see this giant building over in the distance. I think it looks like some kinda thing that could help us."

"Seems like we could give it a try and see if it could help us with Wyvern."

"Okay, let's get goin'."


Sonic, Maria, Tom, and McGregor were trekking through the scorching desert, keeping their eyes peeled for any signs of danger, mostly from Wyvern. Maria was leading the group, skillfully navigating through the rough terrain and keeping a watchful eye on her companions.

As they journeyed on, Tom and Sonic repeatedly tried to gain Maria's attention, each in their own way. Tom gallantly offered to help Maria cross a treacherous chasm, while Sonic held a tree down to allow Maria and McGregor to pass through a narrow passage of trees.

Despite their efforts, it seemed like they had been walking for hours without any respite from the oppressive heat. Sonic wiped the sweat from his quills and looked up to see the building he had spotted earlier still in the distance. As he turned back, he noticed Maria's butt in the distance, her skirt fluttering in the hot breeze.

Sonic couldn't help but let his curiosity get the best of him. He turned to McGregor, his friend and fellow adventurer, and asked, "Hey, McGregor. I've been wondering...Has Maria ever put you in danger for her finds and...the cure for her condition?"

McGregor's response was slightly defensive as he asked, "How do you know about Maria's condition?"

"Oh, she told me last night," Sonic replied with a sigh.

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