Chapter 6: Flames of Disaster

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Maria's Dream

Maria was standing in a field of wheat with gray skies. She looked around and the wind blew. The wheat flattened under the wind and Maria turned around continuously, trying to figure out what was happening. "What's happening?!?"

Suddenly, something behind her glowed purple and she quickly turned to see Mephiles. "Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well!" he said as a few clones of himself temporarily appeared and surrounded Maria. "I was hoping to see you in your dreams."

"Mephiles!" Maria stood her ground. "I won't let you hurt me!"

Mephiles chuckled as his duplicates disappeared. "Dear, if I wanted to hurt anyone here...I would have done so already..." he put his hands behind his back and floated around Maria. "...You and the blue rat have been causing trouble around the islands. I see a future where I reunite with Iblis due to your actions and...I want you to help me bring him to me."

"There's no way I'd help you."

"Dear, it's pointless. You have been struck with your condition for as long as you can remember. If you help me, I will use Solaris' powers to cure your Neuro-Immune Deficiency Syndrome and you will be normal, just like everyone else."

Maria paused and kept her glare. "I would rather die from my condition than destroy humanity."

"You can't keep this destiny hidden forever." Mephiles snapped his fingers and a copy of the Chaos Emeralds appeared in his hands. "You'll slip up and bring Iblis to me, and when you do...!" he threw the copies of the Emeralds onto the ground, where it created a massive portal in the shape of an upside-down triangle, burning the wheat field around Maria.

"Get out of here! You have no dominion in our world!" Maria shouted.

"Maybe not right now..." Mephiles began to enter the portal as a lava monster appeared behind him. "...but the seal will be broken, and I will be able to join...IBLIS!!!"

Chaos Island, the Third Starlight Island

Maria woke up, screaming. She panted and Sonic said, "Hey, Maria. You okay?"

"I'm fine," Maria replied. "Mephiles invaded my dream. He said something about

Sonic, Tom, McGregor, and Maria managed to steer their boat onto another island. Maria instantly recognized it as Chaos Island. The island appeared to be a rocky island. It contained multiple ancient ruins, as well as lava, gray skies, and a volcano.

The four stepped onto a part of the island that had patches of dead trees and moss, suggesting a once-verdant landscape. Even though Chaos Island is a volcanic island, Sonic seemed to notice some ice on top of a mountain.

"This is...less joyful than the last two islands," Sonic said.

"Well, we'd better get going," Tom said. "And stop Mephiles."

The heroes started to travel across Chaos Island, helping each other cross lava flows, climb mountains, and hopefully pray that another Titan wouldn't attack them. Tom walked with Sonic and he asked, "Hey, Sonic? What's Mephiles gonna do with your Rings?"

"My Rings?" Sonic realized what Tom was saying. "Maybe exploit them or destroy them. I kinda want the first one. I need those Rings to travel around the universe on my vigilante campaign. Rings are how all advanced cultures, except for the Mushroom Kingdom, travel between worlds."

"Hmm...Nice. What's your name for being Batman?"

"Blue Justice, trademark pending."

Tom chuckled. Sonic then lost his smile and said, "And they're pretty much the only thing I have left of my mentor Longclaw."

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