Part 3 -Why did Luke apologized?

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Dawn's POV:-

So, here we ended sitting next to each other. Me, on the chair with Galina next to me on another chair. I did regret wasting my time as it might not even be that significant for me to know about it but I had already wasted much time for waiting to know about the conversation and I was definitely not making my whole time waste by not knowing about their conversation when it was finally going to revealed.

Fortunately, Galina's mother was busy with her customers otherwise it would be difficult to discuss about this matter in front of her.

For more than twenty-five minutes I had been with Galina.And finally Galina was ready to split out the conversation without any delay.

Here she (Galina)started -

Travis leaned closer towards Luke with his eyes narrowed into slits, and said "The girl sitting next to you, don't you dare to make her uncomfortable or misbehave with her. Keep your distance with her."

Luke smirks and asked Travis "How does it bother you?"

Travis catches Luke collar angrily and says "It's none of your business".

Luke replied that he was not going to listen to him and also would only do what he wanted to do.

Travis smiled and whispered something in his ears.

Luke's face was etched with fear, his eyes was wide and he looked startling towards Travis, he took a step back and his lips trembled slightly, forming an uncertain line, speaks - "I ... I get it. No need to worry I was just joking earlier. I'll stay at a distance with her and not to anything that discomfort her, I promise".

Travis replied - "Good choice. It's very obvious that you had to keep a distance from her now and also watch your action".

Luke showed his fake smile and was looking damn scared replied Travis that he would surely kept his promise.

Luke was about to return to his desk but - "Apologize to her now and also send your friend back to his place and don't even dare to look at her or misbehave from this very moment" said Travis.

"Why do I apologize?" replied Luke.

Travis angrily stare his face and replied "Do you want me to let your....."

By interrupting Travis, Luke says, " Fine. I would apologize"

"Right now" replied Travis.

"Calm down bro. I am going to her to apologize" said Luke.

"After that you know everything as luke apologizd to you" said Galina and added that it was all that she had heard.

I was too stunned to speak at the moment. I was shock, confused and anxious at the same time as I was not able to interpret about their conversation.

"Was it a joke or some misunderstanding?" I asked Galina.

"I had told you everything in detailed" replied Galina.

"But how and why me?" I asked Galina. I could not even get any words I was so surprised at the moment.

As I could not understand the reason why Travis told Luke to apologize to me. It was so frustrating and I felt like by thinking all this would lead my mind to explode.

Galina said, "I knew you were not ready to hear it and this was the reason I was delaying it".

I told Galina that I might not be able to sleep tonight due to overthinking.

Galina told that it would not be result in overthinking if she could hear what Travis had whispered to Luke beacuse it was the main thing after hearing Luke got scared and was ready to apologise.

"The main topic is why had Travis helped me" I said.

Galina smiled and said "Why are you so innocent my girl? He had not only helped but protected you and its obvious that he must like you".

"Travis didn't said that he likes me instead he just said to Luke it was none of his business to know" I replied instantly with a melancholic tone.

"Why are you looking so disappointed that Travis did not told that he likes you" asked Galina.

"What... Its nothi...." I got interrupted by Galina.

"I knew from the very beginning that you are into him but was hesitant enough and lying the whole time till now" said Galina.

"I am not interested in Travis. You are misunderstanding it now" I replied.

"Split out the truth now and stop trying to hide" said Galina also added that I must not loose the hope because they still not know what had Travis whispered to Luke.

"Fine, I was little bit curious about him since the day I have seen him but it was only because no one have been that close to me not because I am interested in him or like him" I replied.

"Okay, you are just not ready to accept it that you like Travis" said Galina.

"I don't like him" I replied.

"You are denying it to yourself also. I know you have fallen for him yet would not accept it" whispers slowly Galina.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"The way Travis told Luke not to misbehave and not to make you uncomfortable and also immediately made him apologize to you. Didn't it make you feel happy?"
Said Galina and added if she had been in place of mine then she would dance while screaming happily.

I think he just wanted to help me so he did all of those.

"Oh wow! Travis just wanted to randomly help a girl. Then also randomly he must have known that you were feeling uncomfortable. What the heck are you talking". replied Galina with a frustrated look on her face.

"Why are you so angry? I was just thinking about the possibility" I asked.

"Exactly you are just creating possibilities with your imagination because you don't want to believe the fact that Travis noticed and protected only you and not others and it leads that he might like you" Galina replied.

"He might, it means you are also stating that he might not like me" I replied.

"Are you ever going to be in relationship?" asked Galina.

I replied, "Nope, as I don't believe in forever and love and all those".

"Let me clear you with one thing. If you don't try it by yourself then you would never experienced it and so you can't speak about something you had not experienced yet like what you are believing" said Galina.

"Okay, I would give it a thought. Now I should leave as I have to prepare for the last exam. You also start preparing we would meet the next day in class" I replied.

When I turned and was opening the door

"You are just taking my words lightly. Do you really not like Travis, split out the truth now?" asked Galina.

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