Daniel : Pursue her

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Hey my dear sunshine readers, I am seeing that you are reading but not voting do vote guyss beacuse it motivates me to do more. And also for my readers who always vote i appreciate it a lot a hugeeeee thank you to them ❤️❤️❤️

Okay guys, DD means its me stating something that means your Author. So dont get confused 😊

Lets dive into the chapter now

Target : 5 votes and 1 comment


The door opened with no sound.

Galina immediately without even seeing them said slowly : " What happened. How did you end upppp hereeee......"

She was shocked looking them so close.

Daniel said : "Ohhhhh, the scene is too much to see. Let me leave"

Aaron hold Galina's hand and took her another way and said :

"Don't disturb them. You should leave them alone"

Galina replied to him in a louder voice than usual one : " What leave them alone. She didn't told me about them. Are they in relationship, already? No way it ain't possible"

Aaron : " Why not possible?"

Galina while pointing her finger towards him : " You shut up. Don't speak when you don't know anything."

Aaron hold her finger and came near to her making her touch the wall and said : " What I am going to do now you don't know anything about that too, girl"

Galina stepped her foot on Aaron's foot with force and said: " Get lost you idiot."

While Aaron foot hurted. And thought that she would be nervous by his behaviour.

Galina tried to leave her hand from his hand. But it didn't worked and he smirked so she said " If you don't leave now, I would scream"

Aaron replied " You think anyone would hear you?"

Galina looked behind Aaron and shouted " Teacher , here look"

Aaron scared and immediately left her

hand and looked behind to see while Galina pushed him and he fell down and she ran towards outside the school waiting for Dawn to come.

While, Aaron in the same position Galina made him fell down thinking and said to himself " She tricked me! She really got some guts pushing me. Now I wont make it easier for her. She had to apologize for sure"

(Author/ DD: Now back to the part where Dawn and Travis was in office)

Immediately Dawn left her hold from Travis

The sir that opened the door asked in anger "What are you both doing?"

Dawn was a bit scared that the sir was angry.

While Travis asked " Sir, did you locked us inside even when we were inside?"

Sir was bit confused and then give a thought and said while stuttering " I might didn't don't know did checked I guessed."

Travis replied : " Guessed? And also added-" We should leave as if our parents would get worried then they would make a call in school."

Sir replied instantly " yes, yes leave immediately don't roam and go straight home now itself "

Dawn looking confused. Travis took her outside.

Dawn murmured : " I thought that sir would start his lecture seeing us in that way" and though in mind realizing what she had done and was almost getting nervous thinking about it .

Travis looking at her. She saw him looking at her and said: " I didn't did it on purpose" and immediately left from there.

Travis speaking to himself while smiling that she is really cute.

Dawn headed towards outside the school and there she saw Galina standing over there with both of their bags.

Dawn shouted " Galina"

Galina looked at her angrily and said " I was waiting for you from so long what were you doing till now?"

Dawn replied " ahh! Sorry "

Galina said " Leave all that and first tell me what's happening between you and Travis?"

Dawn replied : " Nothing was happening. What would even happen?"

Galina asked " I had seen you hugging him. So now stop acting. Its enough of it"

Dawn with her head facing downwards towards her feet and touching her both hand one finger tip " What should I do"

Galina " Will you speak or i should leave?"

Dawn made her sad expression and put her face on Galina's one side shoulder and said : " I did a huge mistake. Suddenly lights went out and you know. Even once we were playing in your house when small and lights went out we both shouted. I got scared and hugged him for long. What should I do now?"

Galina replied " There's no turning back. You already did it. So now you cant do anything for it" while slowly patting her head.

Dawn looked at her and said : " No way, help me you need to tell me something because now I cant even face him. What the hell did I do like seriously I am literally shivering."

Galina replied " Fine. Do this Just Ignore him as best you can. Don't talk don't look don't even see him. Even run from whichever place you see him. This is the only thing you can do for now my baby."

Dawn said : " Okay, I will ignore and run away from him."

Galina said her now stop stressing and lets go home.

They left.

(Now back to Travis part where Dawn left him and he was smiling)

Aaron came towards him.

Travis asked " where were you till now?"

Aaron just a matter with a girl.

Travis replied "When will you stop thinking and involving with girls"

Aaron said in a annoying tone "She was not even interesting . And she would regret her behavior"

Travis asked him " What happened ?"

In between, "Hey Travis and Aaron - What did I missed?" said Daniel

Aaron where were you Daniel till now.

Daniel replied" I had something urgent to do so I left. But tell me Travis what was going on between you and that girl locked in the room"

Travis said " First Aaron, tell us what about that girl?"

Aaron replied with super annoyed face " That silly girl just put her foot on my foot and also tricked me and pushed me and I fell down "

Travis and Daniel looking at each other laughed loudly.

Daniel said " who is this girl?"

Travis replied " You told She aint interesting before "

Daniel replied " She's super interesting. I need to see who is she"

"Stop laughing at me, you both" said Aaron

and added she has to apologize to me

Daniel said " I don't think she would. But lets see. We will bet if she didn't apologize. You would pursue her.

----- end --------

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