10. Dig Up Her Bones

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A harsh buzz pulled me from sleep and I groaned as I squinted my eyes against the bright room. I was laid in a makeshift bed on the floor beside Sarah's bed. Though Sarah wasn't here. I pushed myself to sit up, resting on my elbows, and felt my stitches straining in my arm.

'Morning!' Sarah beamed at me as she walked in, closing the door behind her and straightening her shirt. She was wearing a long, dark purple skirt with a lighter purple long-sleeve shirt. Her hair was pulled up into two messy space buns, showing off her silver star earrings. It reminded me of Ginger Fitzgerald from Ginger Snaps, though that movie didn't exist at this time so I held onto the compliment. 'How are you feeling? Mum said you shouldn't go to school today but I think it just depends on whether you're feeling up for it.'

'Mmm, I don't feel that bad. A bit sore but I could go.' In truth, I didn't want to go to school but I figured I'd have a better chance of figuring out what these dreams were if I left the house. My last dream ended when I died but I didn't really fancy doing that this time.

'Okay! I tried to pack some of your clothes last night before we left your house, but the police officer was being sooo unbelievably impatient so I didn't get a chance. But, you can borrow any of my clothes you want.' She pointed to her wardrobe, in front of which lay a dark green backpack I assumed contained my things. I thanked her and she smiled at me before turning to the door. 'Anything specific you want for breakfast?'

'No thanks, I'm fine with anything.' She nodded before leaving and I heard her footsteps sound down the stairs. Gingerly rising, I held my breath as pain echoed through my body. I winced and let out a heavy sigh when I finally stood, leaning against the windowsill for support. I made my way to the wardrobe, opened the double doors, and considered my options. Sarah had an amazing selection, I had to admit, and her wardrobe looked like a 90s grunge kid's dream. I settled on a large band t-shirt with a long-sleeve shirt underneath and ripped baggy jeans. Her clothes didn't fit too badly and they smelt comforting, though I wasn't sure why.

I went out into the hall and inspected the doors, hoping to find the bathroom to check my stitches in proper lighting. I tried one room but was met with a dark bedroom, thankfully empty, which looked similar to Sarah's, though a lot messier. 

The next one I tried was the bathroom, the door was unlocked but still in use. A girl I didn't recognise was brushing her hair in the mirror. I guessed it was Sarah's sister, since they looked very alike, except this girl looked just slightly younger and didn't have the kindness in her eyes that Sarah did. She wore a distressed grey graphic shirt and baggy blue jeans, with her long black hair crawling down her back.   

'Oh, sorry. I didn't think anyone was in.' I quickly pulled the door closed again but was stopped by a hand pulling it open. Sarah's sister came out and stood in front of me, blocking the bathroom door as she watched my face closely.

'Don't worry about it, I'm done anyway.' She bit her lip softly and waited for my reaction, her gaze drifting down to my lips a few times.

'Thanks.' I coughed awkwardly and made to move out of her way. She softly smiled at me before brushing past me and making her way to the first door I tried. I quickly slipped into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I didn't know what it was about her but her gaze had creeped me out a little. I ensured the door was locked before carefully lifting up my shirt to reveal my back to the mirror. I spotted my face in the mirror and again saw a 17-year-old me, just like that first morning at Camp Crystal Lake. I could only see my back partially but I saw a painting of purples and yellows and browns on my skin, and I winced when my finger prodded a bright blue bruise. Pulling my shirt down gently, I grimaced at the thought of walking around a high school and sitting in stiff chairs all day, but I had to if I wanted to know what was going on.

I made my way downstairs to the dining room, almost hurtling down the stairs when my left leg buckled and caused me to grasp onto the banister for dear life. Sarah was sitting at the round dining table with her mum and sister, as a news reporter discussed my attack from the night before. When I entered the room, Sarah quickly shut off the TV and came over to help me to my seat. Her mum had made French toast with syrup, and I didn't know if it was actually that good or if I was just really hungry, but at that moment it seemed like the best thing I'd ever eaten.

I tried hard to avoid Sarah's sister's gaze, as I felt her staring at me all morning. Sarah and her mum were engaged in conversation, about what I don't know, but every now and then I saw her mum look over at me before quickly glancing away, so I could have a good guess. 

Sarah's mum kindly offered to give us a lift, on account of the 'bus seats not being good for my back, no not at all' and we made it to school rather early. My heart jumped a little when I saw the words 'Woodsboro High School' through the flurry of leaves. As we walked together through the halls, eyes followed me and heads turned in my direction, as people stuck their heads together and whispered feverishly.

'Hey, are you okay?' I felt Sarah's hand on my arm and I turned to see her eyes brimming with concern.

'Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. I mean, it's not like this is unexpected.'

'You're like a celebrity now. You're gonna be the talk of the town: the lone survivor of Ghostface. There'll be people lining up for your autograph' Sarah's sister chimed in, a wicked grin on her face as she watched me with those dark eyes again.

'Fuck off, Hannah. Leave Y/N alone for one second please.'

'Fine, fine. See you.' Hannah sauntered off down the hall, where she stopped with a group of other girls and stopped to chat, stealing glances at me every so often. Me and Sarah stopped at our adjacent lockers, and I earned an extremely concerned look when I had to ask her for my combination.

'Are you sure you're fine enough to be here? The paramedics didn't say anything about memory loss but you're worrying me a little. I mean, do you even know what subjects you've got today?'

'......yes.' Sarah sighed.

'Classic literature, math, world history, algebra, biology, and study hall. Same as me. Like always.'

'Thank you. I'm sorry I don't know what's going on today, I felt fine earlier but now I, I don't know, I jus-' Strong arms wrapped around my shoulders suddenly, and I let out a small scream, attracting even more judgemental looks from passersby. A taller, brown-haired boy appeared in front of me, his arm around my shoulder as Sarah looked at him in disdain.

'Hey, babe, how are you doing?' He leaned in, kissing me gently, before pulling away and leaning on the locker behind me, his hand resting on my hip. I saw Hannah from down the hall, looking over with an expression I couldn't read. Before I could respond, a group of guys from the opposite end of the hall beckoned him over to them, though I didn't hear if they called his name.

'I've gotta go but I'll catch up with you later.' He kissed me on the forehead once more before jogging off down the hall to meet the group.

'God, does he not know what happened to you last night? Why would he sneak up on you like that? I don't get what you see in him.' Sarah pulled my attention back to her, as she grabbed a stack of books from her locker and slammed it shut.

'He's... nice.' I responded, following suit and grabbing my identical books. That definitely wasn't a lie, he did seem nice. I just wish I knew who he was. And why Hannah looked at me like that.

'I guess. Come on, we're going to be late.' I closed my own locker and followed Sarah through the ever-growing crowd of students, as she led the way to literature. We sat near the back, but unfortunately, that didn't stop the stares and whispers. I gazed out the window at the trees and the cars driving past. A family of squirrels ran across the grass, followed by a big black boot.

I paused, sitting up straight and straining my eyes. I swore I'd seen a black robe run behind the tree. I long, black robe like that worn by-

No, no, I'd imagined it was all. Why would Ghostface be here in the middle of the day? That'd be crazy. God, last night had really messed me up huh?

I dropped my head onto the desk and groaned as the clock ticked 8.


how obvious is it that I have no idea how the American education system works?

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