9. Living Dead Girl

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The paramedics were talking to the police, out of earshot, as the police took down notes in small notepads. I was alone, sat in the back of an ambulance with small plasters all over my arms and a bandage over my stab wound, which had been stitched up neatly. My head ached dully, and my entire body felt fragile and bruised. My house (well, not mine) had been searched thoroughly for any sign of Ghostface but they found nothing. No sign of them was found anywhere. Neighbours had come out of their houses to stand in their front gardens and gawk at me, though I couldn't really blame them. I'd do the same thing in their position, except I'd be a bit more discreet about it.

'Y/N! Y/N! Let me through!' A familiar voice drifted through the night air, and I saw an arm waving from behind a tall police officer. The person pushed past, giving the officer a disgusted look behind his back, before running up to me. She held my hands and frantically looked at my face, and all the bruises on my body. 'Jesus, I'm so sorry I was late! I completely lost track of time and when I was driving up these officers tried to stop me and I just saw this crowd outside your house and the flashing lights. Omg, what happened?'

'S-Sarah?' I croaked out. The bright-eyed girl from Camp Crystal Lake was crouched in front of me, eyes wide with concern, and no deep axe wound in her head.

'Yeah, yeah it's me Y/N. Are you okay?' I burst into tears and she hugged me tight, letting my head rest against her chest as she stroked my hair and whispered 'It's alright, you're okay now.'

I stayed in the hug for a couple of minutes, before I moved away, shaking my hands and wiping my face of tears. She looked exactly the same as she had done before, with her mesmerising brown eyes and kind gaze. She looked at me in concern for a moment, a silent question.

'Um, I was waiting for you to get here when I got a phone call from someone I didn't know. I chatted with them for a bit because they seemed nice but then they broke into my home and tried to attack me. They managed to stab me in the arm but I ran to my room and jumped out of the window. That's when the police got here. One of my neighbours called them when they heard screaming.' I rambled, stumbling on my words, while Sarah simply watched me and nodded along, her brow furrowed.

When I'd finished, she sighed heavily. 'Did you see what the attacker looked like?'

'No, they were wearing a white mask - a bit like a ghost - and a long black robe type of thing.'

At this, Sarah's eyes widened and she opened and closed her mouth multiple times, unable to form words. 'Y/N, do you not know about the Ghostface killer?'

Of course I did, I'd seen Scream dozens of times, but I wasn't sure if the story was different in this 'place', so I decided to act as if I didn't. I shook my head, to which Sarah sighed and dropped her eyes.

'When they let you go, you're staying with me tonight and I'll tell you everything then. I can't believe you haven't heard of this.' I shrugged and turned away as raised voices caught my attention. A paramedic and a police officer were yelling at each other, as the paramedic kept referring to a clipboard in his hand. I couldn't pick anything up, so I turned to Sarah to ask if she knew, but she held up a finger before I could start. Her head was twisted so that her ear was facing the commotion, and she had a look of intense concentration on her face.

The argument ended with the officer huffing in anger and then returning to his police car and his peer. The paramedic sighed and rubbed his head. He looked exhausted.

'They were talking about you.' I snapped my head to Sarah, so consumed with this paramedic that I'd forgotten what had happened a second ago. 'The officer was saying they needed to take you to the police station to question you about what happened, but the paramedic was arguing because he said you shouldn't be going anywhere or doing a lot in your current state.'

'Well thank God for that.' I was in no mood to sit in a cold, stone room, questioned extensively over and over again. I just wanted to rest and turn off my brain for a while. I closed my eyes and slowly dropped my head onto Sarah's shoulder, and she responded by tilting her head so that it rested on mine. It was comfortable, and I could have fallen asleep right there, but a gentle nudge in my side informed me now was not the time. My eyes opened and were met with the stark blue eyes of the paramedic. He was crouched in front of me, eyes scanning my face, before he inhaled and began to speak.

'Hey, so, we're satisfied enough with your health at the moment, so we're going to let you go. Now, we want you to take it steady and don't overexert yourself, we definitely don't want your stitches tearing. The police want to see you in the station tomorrow at 12 for questioning but don't feel bad if you're not up for it. You've been through some shit.' He chuckled softly before turning to Sarah. I didn't pay attention to what was said, but I saw Sarah nod and then be handed a small bottle filled with pills. Before leaving, the paramedic turned to me again, locking eyes and saying 'Take it easy.' I thanked him and gingerly stood up, holding onto Sarah's arm for support. My legs wobbled and I almost fell to the floor if she hadn't caught me in time. She slung my arm over her shoulder and walked with me to her car. My legs felt lifeless and sore, as if I hadn't used them for years.

As we drove to Sarah's house, I rested my head on the cool window and closed my eyes, the soft hum of the wheels on the road sounding through my head.

'When we get to mine, I think you should call your aunt and let her know you're at mine. You don't have to tell her what happened until she gets back if you don't want, but I think she should know where you are.' I hummed in agreement but didn't say anything for the rest of the drive, and didn't bother considering who my aunt was. As soon as we arrived at Sarah's, her mum bustled out of the house to meet me in the driveway.

'Oh, you poor thing. How are you? Are you okay? Should I make you some tea? My mum always said tea cures everything but I don't think things like this ever happened to her.'

'Mum, back off a bit, please. Give Y/N some space.' Sarah said, closing the car door quietly before walking round to me.

'Oh, of course, sorry dear. Can I get you anything?'

'I'm okay thank you, Mrs Campbell.' I said with a smile, trying not to make her feel bad. She nodded, smiled back, and retreated back into the house. Sarah helped me up the stairs to her bedroom, where she tossed me a pair of pajamas from her wardrobe. My legs were starting to wake up and it didn't hurt as much to walk or move.

Once we were changed, we sat side-by-side on her bed with mugs of hot chocolate, Elton (her dog) lay on the end of her bed, softly snoring.

'Right, let me tell you about this Ghostface killer.' She sighed then waited for me to confirm I was okay with hearing it, before starting.

'2 years ago, a girl named Sidney Prescott was targeted by the Ghostface killer. He killed her friends and tried to frame it on her father, because of some grudge to do with her mother. It turned out the killer was actually 2 people: her boyfriend and his friend. They tried to kill her too but she survived and killed them herself. Then, the next year, she started being targeted again by someone in the same costume. This time around though, it was her then-boyfriend's friend and her old boyfriend's mother!' Again, they tried to kill her, but she killed them first.' My mouth was wide open in shock, which Sarah perceived to be my reaction to the story, but really I was surprised at what this meant for me. If that happened two years ago, that would mean it was currently 1998, 2 years before Scream 3 came out. So I was sometime between Scream 2 and Scream 3. So again, no script I could follow. Fantastic.

'That's insane.' I stated.

'I know! I can't believe you haven't heard of this. They based some movies off it. Stab, I think?'

'Oh, yeah, I've heard of them but I've never seen them.' Sarah nodded and sipped her drink in silence.

'But...' An unanswered question was gnawing at my mind and I chewed on my lip as I thought about how to word it. 'Why did they attack me? I mean, I'm not Sidney Prescott and I've never met her, so I couldn't have even been used to scare her, so what reason is there?'

'Hm, I don't know actually. Maybe it's a copycat killer. Maybe they want fame or recognition for it, after seeing the media go crazy the last two times.'

I considered this, murmuring a soft 'maybe', as I drank my hot chocolate and wondered about what was to come.

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